Went for apicnic/enjoyeda mealoutsideTried anew formof physicalactivityPaid attention tomy water intakefor one day(Bonus entry forusing a reusablewater bottle)Enjoyedsomeice creamor anothercold treatDid someyardwork/plantedflowersDid someSpringcleaningPaid alittle extraon one ofmy billsDownloaded aself-careapp (Presently,Daylio, Happify)Made myfavorite mealor dessert(Bonus entry ifyou share therecipe)Went on a hikeor nature walk(Bonus entryfor pickingup trash)Boughtsomethingused insteadof newTook timeto do myfavoriteactivityWalked/rodemy bikesomewhereinstead ofdroveTook a napor gotsome extrasleepPushed myselfmentally with aSudoku,crosswordpuzzle, etc.Went for amorningwalk or didsomestretchesGave myselfa footmassage orpedicureWrote a Kudosfor a co-workeror gavesomeone verbalpraiseHad avirtualgamenightWatcheda funnymovie orshowSwapped abook with afriend/co-worker(Bonus entry forfinishing the book)Donated oldclothing itemsto someonein need or afoundationMade ahappy orcalmingmusicplaylistFound acandlethat fit mymoodWent for apicnic/enjoyeda mealoutsideTried anew formof physicalactivityPaid attention tomy water intakefor one day(Bonus entry forusing a reusablewater bottle)Enjoyedsomeice creamor anothercold treatDid someyardwork/plantedflowersDid someSpringcleaningPaid alittle extraon one ofmy billsDownloaded aself-careapp (Presently,Daylio, Happify)Made myfavorite mealor dessert(Bonus entry ifyou share therecipe)Went on a hikeor nature walk(Bonus entryfor pickingup trash)Boughtsomethingused insteadof newTook timeto do myfavoriteactivityWalked/rodemy bikesomewhereinstead ofdroveTook a napor gotsome extrasleepPushed myselfmentally with aSudoku,crosswordpuzzle, etc.Went for amorningwalk or didsomestretchesGave myselfa footmassage orpedicureWrote a Kudosfor a co-workeror gavesomeone verbalpraiseHad avirtualgamenightWatcheda funnymovie orshowSwapped abook with afriend/co-worker(Bonus entry forfinishing the book)Donated oldclothing itemsto someonein need or afoundationMade ahappy orcalmingmusicplaylistFound acandlethat fit mymood

Monarch Staff April Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Went for a picnic/enjoyed a meal outside
  2. Tried a new form of physical activity
  3. Paid attention to my water intake for one day (Bonus entry for using a reusable water bottle)
  4. Enjoyed some ice cream or another cold treat
  5. Did some yardwork/ planted flowers
  6. Did some Spring cleaning
  7. Paid a little extra on one of my bills
  8. Downloaded a self-care app (Presently, Daylio, Happify)
  9. Made my favorite meal or dessert (Bonus entry if you share the recipe)
  10. Went on a hike or nature walk (Bonus entry for picking up trash)
  11. Bought something used instead of new
  12. Took time to do my favorite activity
  13. Walked/rode my bike somewhere instead of drove
  14. Took a nap or got some extra sleep
  15. Pushed myself mentally with a Sudoku, crossword puzzle, etc.
  16. Went for a morning walk or did some stretches
  17. Gave myself a foot massage or pedicure
  18. Wrote a Kudos for a co-worker or gave someone verbal praise
  19. Had a virtual game night
  20. Watched a funny movie or show
  21. Swapped a book with a friend/co-worker (Bonus entry for finishing the book)
  22. Donated old clothing items to someone in need or a foundation
  23. Made a happy or calming music playlist
  24. Found a candle that fit my mood