Get tencustomers tofollow ourInstagram andfollow thembackCreate arunning/inside jokewith aregularGreet a customerwho is looking atthe cups rack andmakerecommendationsor upsellStart up anextendedconversation witha customer whilethey are waitingfor theirdrinks/foodUpsell threecustomerson drink sizewithin oneshiftHave aconversationwith acurbsidecustomerUnironicallytalk aboutthe weatherwith acustomerMake acustomerlaughUpsell 5customerson foodwithin oneshiftMake acustomersmileMeet twocustomers whoare formerpartners (ex-employees ofSyosset do notcount)Learn the namesof a customer'sloved ones(spouse, kids, etc.)and ask how theyare doingSell three ofour "secretmenu" drinksin one shiftCome up withan inventiveidea to increasecustomerconnectionMeet threecustomerswho aredifferent typesof doctorsAsk a customerabout their plans forthe day/weekend andcreate an extendedconversation (> 2min)Receive acomplimentabout yourcustomerserviceMeet customerswho teach at eacheducational level(pre-K, elementary,middle, high,college)Recommenda drink to acustomerthat theyenjoyGreet tencustomersby namewithin oneshiftMake conversationwith a customerwhere they showyou pictures oftheir pets/childrenThank 10customers inone shiftbefore theythank youMeet acustomerwho speaksthreelanguagesComplimenta customer'saccessory(mask, bag,glasses, etc.)Anticipate customerneeds ten times inone shift (ex: giving atray before they askfor one, giving a bagbefore they ask forone)Get tencustomers tofollow ourInstagram andfollow thembackCreate arunning/inside jokewith aregularGreet a customerwho is looking atthe cups rack andmakerecommendationsor upsellStart up anextendedconversation witha customer whilethey are waitingfor theirdrinks/foodUpsell threecustomerson drink sizewithin oneshiftHave aconversationwith acurbsidecustomerUnironicallytalk aboutthe weatherwith acustomerMake acustomerlaughUpsell 5customerson foodwithin oneshiftMake acustomersmileMeet twocustomers whoare formerpartners (ex-employees ofSyosset do notcount)Learn the namesof a customer'sloved ones(spouse, kids, etc.)and ask how theyare doingSell three ofour "secretmenu" drinksin one shiftCome up withan inventiveidea to increasecustomerconnectionMeet threecustomerswho aredifferent typesof doctorsAsk a customerabout their plans forthe day/weekend andcreate an extendedconversation (> 2min)Receive acomplimentabout yourcustomerserviceMeet customerswho teach at eacheducational level(pre-K, elementary,middle, high,college)Recommenda drink to acustomerthat theyenjoyGreet tencustomersby namewithin oneshiftMake conversationwith a customerwhere they showyou pictures oftheir pets/childrenThank 10customers inone shiftbefore theythank youMeet acustomerwho speaksthreelanguagesComplimenta customer'saccessory(mask, bag,glasses, etc.)Anticipate customerneeds ten times inone shift (ex: giving atray before they askfor one, giving a bagbefore they ask forone)

Customer Connection Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Get ten customers to follow our Instagram and follow them back
  2. Create a running/ inside joke with a regular
  3. Greet a customer who is looking at the cups rack and make recommendations or upsell
  4. Start up an extended conversation with a customer while they are waiting for their drinks/food
  5. Upsell three customers on drink size within one shift
  6. Have a conversation with a curbside customer
  7. Unironically talk about the weather with a customer
  8. Make a customer laugh
  9. Upsell 5 customers on food within one shift
  10. Make a customer smile
  11. Meet two customers who are former partners (ex-employees of Syosset do not count)
  12. Learn the names of a customer's loved ones (spouse, kids, etc.) and ask how they are doing
  13. Sell three of our "secret menu" drinks in one shift
  14. Come up with an inventive idea to increase customer connection
  15. Meet three customers who are different types of doctors
  16. Ask a customer about their plans for the day/weekend and create an extended conversation (> 2 min)
  17. Receive a compliment about your customer service
  18. Meet customers who teach at each educational level (pre-K, elementary, middle, high, college)
  19. Recommend a drink to a customer that they enjoy
  20. Greet ten customers by name within one shift
  21. Make conversation with a customer where they show you pictures of their pets/children
  22. Thank 10 customers in one shift before they thank you
  23. Meet a customer who speaks three languages
  24. Compliment a customer's accessory (mask, bag, glasses, etc.)
  25. Anticipate customer needs ten times in one shift (ex: giving a tray before they ask for one, giving a bag before they ask for one)