Maintains apositive andoptimisticattitude.Demonstrates anunderstanding ofbest practices andremains abreast ofmost recentresearch, look-for.Observes teachingpractices andidentifies whether ornot teachers haveintegrated into theirinstruction.Adheres todistrict anddepartmentpolicies andprocedures.Maintains apositive andoptimisticattitude.Acknowledgesmistakes,reflects, andadjustsaccordingly.Aligns withteachers,principals, andCICs onoverarchingcampus and ELgoalsHolds peersand self-accountableto highstandards.Offerssupport onvariousdepartmentprojectsCommunication isclear, coherent,precise, and ispresented inmultiple formats ifneeded to ensureunderstanding.Observes teachingpractices andidentifies whether ornot teachers haveintegrated into theirinstruction.Reviews all pertinentdata (e.g., CLASS,formative assessment,student portfolios) toidentify whether not therecommendedstrategies have madean impact.Articulatesalignment ofEarly Learninggoals withoverall campusgoalsPlans andcommunicatesobjectives ofmodel lessonsbased on relationto teacher goals.Seeks outand isreceptive tofeedback.Model lessonsareaccompanied byopportunity forreflection anddiscussion.Develops highquality outputacross trainingsand internalprojects.Demonstratescommitmentto educationalexcellence forall students.Supports a varietyof district PDofferings (e.g.,writes, trains,trains the trainers).Holds peersand self-accountableto highstandards.In coordinationwith teacher,determines mosteffective learningstrategy to employDemonstrates anunderstanding ofeach assessmentused to monitorstudent progress(e.g., how it shouldbe administered, howit relatesUses valuesto guideperformance,conduct, anddecisions.Including studentinteractions,studentengagement, andinstructionalstrategies).Maintains apositive andoptimisticattitude.Demonstrates anunderstanding ofbest practices andremains abreast ofmost recentresearch, look-for.Observes teachingpractices andidentifies whether ornot teachers haveintegrated into theirinstruction.Adheres todistrict anddepartmentpolicies andprocedures.Maintains apositive andoptimisticattitude.Acknowledgesmistakes,reflects, andadjustsaccordingly.Aligns withteachers,principals, andCICs onoverarchingcampus and ELgoalsHolds peersand self-accountableto highstandards.Offerssupport onvariousdepartmentprojectsCommunication isclear, coherent,precise, and ispresented inmultiple formats ifneeded to ensureunderstanding.Observes teachingpractices andidentifies whether ornot teachers haveintegrated into theirinstruction.Reviews all pertinentdata (e.g., CLASS,formative assessment,student portfolios) toidentify whether not therecommendedstrategies have madean impact.Articulatesalignment ofEarly Learninggoals withoverall campusgoalsPlans andcommunicatesobjectives ofmodel lessonsbased on relationto teacher goals.Seeks outand isreceptive tofeedback.Model lessonsareaccompanied byopportunity forreflection anddiscussion.Develops highquality outputacross trainingsand internalprojects.Demonstratescommitmentto educationalexcellence forall students.Supports a varietyof district PDofferings (e.g.,writes, trains,trains the trainers).Holds peersand self-accountableto highstandards.In coordinationwith teacher,determines mosteffective learningstrategy to employDemonstrates anunderstanding ofeach assessmentused to monitorstudent progress(e.g., how it shouldbe administered, howit relatesUses valuesto guideperformance,conduct, anddecisions.Including studentinteractions,studentengagement, andinstructionalstrategies).

Early Learning Handbook Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Maintains a positive and optimistic attitude.
  2. Demonstrates an understanding of best practices and remains abreast of most recent research, look-for.
  3. Observes teaching practices and identifies whether or not teachers have integrated into their instruction.
  4. Adheres to district and department policies and procedures.
  5. Maintains a positive and optimistic attitude.
  6. Acknowledges mistakes, reflects, and adjusts accordingly.
  7. Aligns with teachers, principals, and CICs on overarching campus and EL goals
  8. Holds peers and self- accountable to high standards.
  9. Offers support on various department projects
  10. Communication is clear, coherent, precise, and is presented in multiple formats if needed to ensure understanding.
  11. Observes teaching practices and identifies whether or not teachers have integrated into their instruction.
  12. Reviews all pertinent data (e.g., CLASS, formative assessment, student portfolios) to identify whether not the recommended strategies have made an impact.
  13. Articulates alignment of Early Learning goals with overall campus goals
  14. Plans and communicates objectives of model lessons based on relation to teacher goals.
  15. Seeks out and is receptive to feedback.
  16. Model lessons are accompanied by opportunity for reflection and discussion.
  17. Develops high quality output across trainings and internal projects.
  18. Demonstrates commitment to educational excellence for all students.
  19. Supports a variety of district PD offerings (e.g., writes, trains, trains the trainers).
  20. Holds peers and self- accountable to high standards.
  21. In coordination with teacher, determines most effective learning strategy to employ
  22. Demonstrates an understanding of each assessment used to monitor student progress (e.g., how it should be administered, how it relates
  23. Uses values to guide performance, conduct, and decisions.
  24. Including student interactions, student engagement, and instructional strategies).