Name ahinge joint________The term to describethe% of thedifference betweenmaxand resting VO2 is?____________Ask someone fromanother team toperform a timed 50-yard dash for yourteam.Record time:____________Have your teamwrite a 3 day/weekprogram for aweight-loss clienton the board.Ask someone oncampus (not in class)to perform a unipedalstance test. Record: ______Name non-energyproducingcompounds:________________________Have oneteammate performa recorded 5 TimeSit-to-Stand test. ____________Have oneteammateperform a 1-minutepush-up test. _____________Record how manyjumping jacksone teammatecan do in 60seconds.___________Have one teammaterun one lap aroundBVE. Record theresting HR and post-exercise HR.____________________The atlas andaxis are knownas which typeof joint?_________Have oneteammateperform aunipedalstance testName the arthriticdisease thataffectsthe spine andlarge joints.______________What isanother namefor "mode ofactivity?"_______Record how manypush upssomeone fromanother team cancomplete in 90seconds:_________Name the 3 typesof measurement ofstatic flexibility:______________________________Name oneexample of asaddle joint:________ Each teammatemust write on theboard your favoritethingyou've learnedin lab thissemesterDetermine theHR maxof a 78-year-oldclient._________bpmHave one teammateperforma 2-minute step testin thestairway.Record radial pulsepost-test.__________ bpmIdentify theprimary musclethat neckflexionstretches:____________Record oneteammate'sradial pulse. ___________Record how manysquats oneteammate cando in 60 seconds:____________Have oneteammateperform asit-and-reachtest.Name ahinge joint________The term to describethe% of thedifference betweenmaxand resting VO2 is?____________Ask someone fromanother team toperform a timed 50-yard dash for yourteam.Record time:____________Have your teamwrite a 3 day/weekprogram for aweight-loss clienton the board.Ask someone oncampus (not in class)to perform a unipedalstance test. Record: ______Name non-energyproducingcompounds:________________________Have oneteammate performa recorded 5 TimeSit-to-Stand test. ____________Have oneteammateperform a 1-minutepush-up test. _____________Record how manyjumping jacksone teammatecan do in 60seconds.___________Have one teammaterun one lap aroundBVE. Record theresting HR and post-exercise HR.____________________The atlas andaxis are knownas which typeof joint?_________Have oneteammateperform aunipedalstance testName the arthriticdisease thataffectsthe spine andlarge joints.______________What isanother namefor "mode ofactivity?"_______Record how manypush upssomeone fromanother team cancomplete in 90seconds:_________Name the 3 typesof measurement ofstatic flexibility:______________________________Name oneexample of asaddle joint:________ Each teammatemust write on theboard your favoritethingyou've learnedin lab thissemesterDetermine theHR maxof a 78-year-oldclient._________bpmHave one teammateperforma 2-minute step testin thestairway.Record radial pulsepost-test.__________ bpmIdentify theprimary musclethat neckflexionstretches:____________Record oneteammate'sradial pulse. ___________Record how manysquats oneteammate cando in 60 seconds:____________Have oneteammateperform asit-and-reachtest.

Exercise Testing Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Name a hinge joint ________
  2. The term to describe the % of the difference between max and resting VO2 is? ____________
  3. Ask someone from another team to perform a timed 50-yard dash for your team. Record time: ____________
  4. Have your team write a 3 day/week program for a weight-loss client on the board.
  5. Ask someone on campus (not in class) to perform a unipedal stance test. Record: ______
  6. Name non-energy producing compounds: ________ ________ ________
  7. Have one teammate perform a recorded 5 Time Sit-to-Stand test. ____________
  8. Have one teammate perform a 1-minute push-up test. _____________
  9. Record how many jumping jacks one teammate can do in 60 seconds. ___________
  10. Have one teammate run one lap around BVE. Record the resting HR and post-exercise HR. __________ __________
  11. The atlas and axis are known as which type of joint? _________
  12. Have one teammate perform a unipedal stance test
  13. Name the arthritic disease that affects the spine and large joints. ______________
  14. What is another name for "mode of activity?" _______
  15. Record how many push ups someone from another team can complete in 90 seconds: _________
  16. Name the 3 types of measurement of static flexibility: __________ __________ __________
  17. Name one example of a saddle joint: ________
  18. Each teammate must write on the board your favorite thing you've learned in lab this semester
  19. Determine the HR max of a 78-year-old client. _________bpm
  20. Have one teammate perform a 2-minute step test in the stairway. Record radial pulse post-test. __________ bpm
  21. Identify the primary muscle that neck flexion stretches: ____________
  22. Record one teammate's radial pulse. ___________
  23. Record how many squats one teammate can do in 60 seconds: ____________
  24. Have one teammate perform a sit-and-reach test.