CompleteFebruaryMonthlyChallengePost a picturefrom an OpenWOD and tagMCF on FBor IGPR a WODfrom thenutritionchallengeComplete500Burpeesin a weekEat veggiesat each meal(B,L,D) for 2weeksAttend 5classesin a weekRegister andcomplete2022CrossFitOpenComplete 100Strict Pullupsor 200 RingRows in aweekPR a liftfromnutritionchallengeLog yournutrition on MyFitness Pal forduration of thechallengeSki5kLose5lbs or2% BFComplete fullwarmupbefore everyclass thruchallengeComplete150 V-ups or300 Situps ina weekBring afriend to aweekendclass  Row 5k Post yourfavoritequote inFB group Completeany regularclass WODRXCompleteFebruaryDailyChallengeDrink at least64oz of watera day for theduration ofthe challenge Log all resultsfor each class(Lift andWOD) thruchallengeComplete all3 OpenWODs atMCF FridayNight LightsAttend atleast 10classes in atwo weekperiodCompletea SaturdaypartnerWODTake a selfiewith your judgeduring an OpenWOD and tagMCF on SocialMediaCompleteFebruaryMonthlyChallengePost a picturefrom an OpenWOD and tagMCF on FBor IGPR a WODfrom thenutritionchallengeComplete500Burpeesin a weekEat veggiesat each meal(B,L,D) for 2weeksAttend 5classesin a weekRegister andcomplete2022CrossFitOpenComplete 100Strict Pullupsor 200 RingRows in aweekPR a liftfromnutritionchallengeLog yournutrition on MyFitness Pal forduration of thechallengeSki5kLose5lbs or2% BFComplete fullwarmupbefore everyclass thruchallengeComplete150 V-ups or300 Situps ina weekBring afriend to aweekendclass  Row 5k Post yourfavoritequote inFB group Completeany regularclass WODRXCompleteFebruaryDailyChallengeDrink at least64oz of watera day for theduration ofthe challenge Log all resultsfor each class(Lift andWOD) thruchallengeComplete all3 OpenWODs atMCF FridayNight LightsAttend atleast 10classes in atwo weekperiodCompletea SaturdaypartnerWODTake a selfiewith your judgeduring an OpenWOD and tagMCF on SocialMedia

MCF Nutrition Challenge - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Complete February Monthly Challenge
  2. Post a picture from an Open WOD and tag MCF on FB or IG
  3. PR a WOD from the nutrition challenge
  4. Complete 500 Burpees in a week
  5. Eat veggies at each meal (B,L,D) for 2 weeks
  6. Attend 5 classes in a week
  7. Register and complete 2022 CrossFit Open
  8. Complete 100 Strict Pullups or 200 Ring Rows in a week
  9. PR a lift from nutrition challenge
  10. Log your nutrition on My Fitness Pal for duration of the challenge
  11. Ski 5k
  12. Lose 5lbs or 2% BF
  13. Complete full warmup before every class thru challenge
  14. Complete 150 V-ups or 300 Situps in a week
  15. Bring a friend to a weekend class
  16. Row 5k
  17. Post your favorite quote in FB group
  18. Complete any regular class WOD RX
  19. Complete February Daily Challenge
  20. Drink at least 64oz of water a day for the duration of the challenge
  21. Log all results for each class (Lift and WOD) thru challenge
  22. Complete all 3 Open WODs at MCF Friday Night Lights
  23. Attend at least 10 classes in a two week period
  24. Complete a Saturday partner WOD
  25. Take a selfie with your judge during an Open WOD and tag MCF on Social Media