MinimizationDownplayingtheimportanceof events.Free!Emotionalreasoning Theassumption thatemotions reflectthe way thingsreally are."what I didwas nobig deal."an exampleminimizationMagnification Exaggeratingtheimportance ofevents.PersonalizationThe belief thatone isresponsible forevents outsidetheir owncontrol.Fortune-telling The expectationthat a situation willturn out badlywithout adequateevidence. Catastrophizing Seeing onlythe worstpossibleoutcomes ofa situation.MindreadingInterpreting thethoughts andbeliefs of otherswithoutadequateevidence."My dad isn'tanswering thephone. I bethe's been inan accident."an example ofcatastrophizing“ This isthe worstmistakeever.”an exampleofmagnificationMagicalthinkingThe belief thatour choiceswill influenceunrelatedsituations. "I bet he saidthat just tomake memad."an example ofpersonalization"I'm a goodperson, so badthings shouldn'thappen to me."anexampleof magicalthinking“My mom isalways upset.She would befine if I didmore to helpher.”an example ofpersonalization“I need tolook cool infront of myclassmates.” anexample ofa shouldstatement"I wasawkwardyesterday. I'malways soawkward!"example ofemotionalreasoning &overgeneralization"I bet shehatesme."anexampleof mindreadingAll ornothingthinkingThinking inextremes. It’seither all good orit’s all bad. Usingwords like“always” & “never”OvergeneralizationMaking broadinterpretationsfrom a singleor few events.Shouldstatements The belief thatthings ought tobe a certain way.Pressure we puton ourselves. Disqualifyingthe positive Recognizing onlythe negativeaspects of thesituation whileignoring thepositive.“ I just knowI’m not goingto make theteam.”anexampleof fortunetelling"Allpeoplewho____are____."an example ofovergeneralization“I feel like abad friend,therefore Imust be abad friend.” anexample ofemotionalreasoning.MinimizationDownplayingtheimportanceof events.Free!Emotionalreasoning Theassumption thatemotions reflectthe way thingsreally are."what I didwas nobig deal."an exampleminimizationMagnification Exaggeratingtheimportance ofevents.PersonalizationThe belief thatone isresponsible forevents outsidetheir owncontrol.Fortune-telling The expectationthat a situation willturn out badlywithout adequateevidence. Catastrophizing Seeing onlythe worstpossibleoutcomes ofa situation.MindreadingInterpreting thethoughts andbeliefs of otherswithoutadequateevidence."My dad isn'tanswering thephone. I bethe's been inan accident."an example ofcatastrophizing“ This isthe worstmistakeever.”an exampleofmagnificationMagicalthinkingThe belief thatour choiceswill influenceunrelatedsituations. "I bet he saidthat just tomake memad."an example ofpersonalization"I'm a goodperson, so badthings shouldn'thappen to me."anexampleof magicalthinking“My mom isalways upset.She would befine if I didmore to helpher.”an example ofpersonalization“I need tolook cool infront of myclassmates.” anexample ofa shouldstatement"I wasawkwardyesterday. I'malways soawkward!"example ofemotionalreasoning &overgeneralization"I bet shehatesme."anexampleof mindreadingAll ornothingthinkingThinking inextremes. It’seither all good orit’s all bad. Usingwords like“always” & “never”OvergeneralizationMaking broadinterpretationsfrom a singleor few events.Shouldstatements The belief thatthings ought tobe a certain way.Pressure we puton ourselves. Disqualifyingthe positive Recognizing onlythe negativeaspects of thesituation whileignoring thepositive.“ I just knowI’m not goingto make theteam.”anexampleof fortunetelling"Allpeoplewho____are____."an example ofovergeneralization“I feel like abad friend,therefore Imust be abad friend.” anexample ofemotionalreasoning.

12 Common Thinking Errors - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Downplaying the importance of events.
  2. Free!
  3. The assumption that emotions reflect the way things really are.
    Emotional reasoning
  4. an example minimization
    "what I did was no big deal."
  5. Exaggerating the importance of events.
  6. The belief that one is responsible for events outside their own control.
  7. The expectation that a situation will turn out badly without adequate evidence.
  8. Seeing only the worst possible outcomes of a situation.
  9. Interpreting the thoughts and beliefs of others without adequate evidence.
    Mind reading
  10. an example of catastrophizing
    "My dad isn't answering the phone. I bet he's been in an accident."
  11. an example of magnification
    “ This is the worst mistake ever.”
  12. The belief that our choices will influence unrelated situations.
    Magical thinking
  13. an example of personalization
    "I bet he said that just to make me mad."
  14. an example of magical thinking
    "I'm a good person, so bad things shouldn't happen to me."
  15. an example of personalization
    “My mom is always upset. She would be fine if I did more to help her.”
  16. an example of a should statement
    “I need to look cool in front of my classmates.”
  17. example of emotional reasoning & overgeneralization
    "I was awkward yesterday. I'm always so awkward!"
  18. an example of mind reading
    "I bet she hates me."
  19. Thinking in extremes. It’s either all good or it’s all bad. Using words like “always” & “never”
    All or nothing thinking
  20. Making broad interpretations from a single or few events.
  21. The belief that things ought to be a certain way. Pressure we put on ourselves.
    Should statements
  22. Recognizing only the negative aspects of the situation while ignoring the positive.
    Disqualifying the positive
  23. an example of fortune telling
    “ I just know I’m not going to make the team.”
  24. an example of overgeneralization
    "All people who____ are____."
  25. an example of emotional reasoning.
    “I feel like a bad friend, therefore I must be a bad friend.”