Namesomething youwould like totalk about orlearn aboutnext in groupNamesomething youwould like to bedifferent aboutthis groupWhat behaviorsmight happen inresponse to thethought "I don'thave a lot ofskills?"What isathoughtName somebehaviors thatmay come withthe thought "I'mpersistent"Namesomethingyou likeabout thisgroupWhat isafeelingPractice achallengingsituation usingthe T, F, and BtriangleName somefeelings that mightcome with thethought " I amgood at what I do"Provideevidenceagainst thethought"Nothing evergoes my way"When I amdoing (positivebehavior) Ithink (positivethought)What thoughts doyou have aboutyour future whenyou are doingsomething you aregood at?What is askill that youwould like todevelop?Name somefeelings thatmay come withthe thought "I'mneversuccessful"What behaviorsmight happen inresponse to thethought "I amgood at what Ido?"What thoughts doyou have aboutyourself when youare doingsomething you aregood at?Talk abouthow yourinterestsimpact yourthoughtsProvideevidence forthe thought"I have a lotof strengths"How might afriend respondto you saying"I'm neversuccessful"When I amdoing (positivebehavior), I feel(positiveemotion)Practice apositivesituation usingthe T, F, and BtriangleTalk abouthow whatyou're goodat impactsyour thoughtsProvideevidenceagainst thethought"Everyone isagainst me"How might afamily memberrespond to yousaying " I don'thave a lot ofskills"Namesomething youwould like totalk about orlearn aboutnext in groupNamesomething youwould like to bedifferent aboutthis groupWhat behaviorsmight happen inresponse to thethought "I don'thave a lot ofskills?"What isathoughtName somebehaviors thatmay come withthe thought "I'mpersistent"Namesomethingyou likeabout thisgroupWhat isafeelingPractice achallengingsituation usingthe T, F, and BtriangleName somefeelings that mightcome with thethought " I amgood at what I do"Provideevidenceagainst thethought"Nothing evergoes my way"When I amdoing (positivebehavior) Ithink (positivethought)What thoughts doyou have aboutyour future whenyou are doingsomething you aregood at?What is askill that youwould like todevelop?Name somefeelings thatmay come withthe thought "I'mneversuccessful"What behaviorsmight happen inresponse to thethought "I amgood at what Ido?"What thoughts doyou have aboutyourself when youare doingsomething you aregood at?Talk abouthow yourinterestsimpact yourthoughtsProvideevidence forthe thought"I have a lotof strengths"How might afriend respondto you saying"I'm neversuccessful"When I amdoing (positivebehavior), I feel(positiveemotion)Practice apositivesituation usingthe T, F, and BtriangleTalk abouthow whatyou're goodat impactsyour thoughtsProvideevidenceagainst thethought"Everyone isagainst me"How might afamily memberrespond to yousaying " I don'thave a lot ofskills"

Review Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Name something you would like to talk about or learn about next in group
  2. Name something you would like to be different about this group
  3. What behaviors might happen in response to the thought "I don't have a lot of skills?"
  4. What is a thought
  5. Name some behaviors that may come with the thought "I'm persistent"
  6. Name something you like about this group
  7. What is a feeling
  8. Practice a challenging situation using the T, F, and B triangle
  9. Name some feelings that might come with the thought " I am good at what I do"
  10. Provide evidence against the thought "Nothing ever goes my way"
  11. When I am doing (positive behavior) I think (positive thought)
  12. What thoughts do you have about your future when you are doing something you are good at?
  13. What is a skill that you would like to develop?
  14. Name some feelings that may come with the thought "I'm never successful"
  15. What behaviors might happen in response to the thought "I am good at what I do?"
  16. What thoughts do you have about yourself when you are doing something you are good at?
  17. Talk about how your interests impact your thoughts
  18. Provide evidence for the thought "I have a lot of strengths"
  19. How might a friend respond to you saying "I'm never successful"
  20. When I am doing (positive behavior), I feel (positive emotion)
  21. Practice a positive situation using the T, F, and B triangle
  22. Talk about how what you're good at impacts your thoughts
  23. Provide evidence against the thought "Everyone is against me"
  24. How might a family member respond to you saying " I don't have a lot of skills"