Give 5meaningfulcompliments toother people inone dayAttend RecTherapyGroupTodayAsk forhelpMake a list of50 things youhave to begrateful for inall your years oflivingSit withsomeoneyou usuallydon't sit nextto in groupWrite down 3things youusually takefor grantedCreate a gratituderock and leave itsomewhere in thebuilding visible forothers to seeCreate 2-3positivemessages forstaff on theappreciationboardPracticemindfulnessfor 10minutesHelpsomeoneelseWrite apositive letterto a lovedone and sendit to themCreateyour ownact ofkindnessMake a beadedbracelet or waterbottle accessoryto gift anotherclientTrysomethingnewMakesomeonelaughMake a card andgive it tosomeone youknow has beenhaving a hardtime in lifeWrite a poem ofpositivity toyourself based onyour strengthsandaccomplishmentsCreate 2-3 positivemessages for otherclients in the facilityof inspiration on theappreciation boardUse acopingskillWrite aletter offorgivenessGooutsideand enjoynatureMaketime forself-careCreate a visual ofa positivemessage, quote,or affirmation foryourself to useeverydayDon'tcomplainfor awhole dayPracticepositiveself-talk for5 minutesGive 5meaningfulcompliments toother people inone dayAttend RecTherapyGroupTodayAsk forhelpMake a list of50 things youhave to begrateful for inall your years oflivingSit withsomeoneyou usuallydon't sit nextto in groupWrite down 3things youusually takefor grantedCreate a gratituderock and leave itsomewhere in thebuilding visible forothers to seeCreate 2-3positivemessages forstaff on theappreciationboardPracticemindfulnessfor 10minutesHelpsomeoneelseWrite apositive letterto a lovedone and sendit to themCreateyour ownact ofkindnessMake a beadedbracelet or waterbottle accessoryto gift anotherclientTrysomethingnewMakesomeonelaughMake a card andgive it tosomeone youknow has beenhaving a hardtime in lifeWrite a poem ofpositivity toyourself based onyour strengthsandaccomplishmentsCreate 2-3 positivemessages for otherclients in the facilityof inspiration on theappreciation boardUse acopingskillWrite aletter offorgivenessGooutsideand enjoynatureMaketime forself-careCreate a visual ofa positivemessage, quote,or affirmation foryourself to useeverydayDon'tcomplainfor awhole dayPracticepositiveself-talk for5 minutes

RVC Gratitude & Acts of Kindness - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Give 5 meaningful compliments to other people in one day
  2. Attend Rec Therapy Group Today
  3. Ask for help
  4. Make a list of 50 things you have to be grateful for in all your years of living
  5. Sit with someone you usually don't sit next to in group
  6. Write down 3 things you usually take for granted
  7. Create a gratitude rock and leave it somewhere in the building visible for others to see
  8. Create 2-3 positive messages for staff on the appreciation board
  9. Practice mindfulness for 10 minutes
  10. Help someone else
  11. Write a positive letter to a loved one and send it to them
  12. Create your own act of kindness
  13. Make a beaded bracelet or water bottle accessory to gift another client
  14. Try something new
  15. Make someone laugh
  16. Make a card and give it to someone you know has been having a hard time in life
  17. Write a poem of positivity to yourself based on your strengths and accomplishments
  18. Create 2-3 positive messages for other clients in the facility of inspiration on the appreciation board
  19. Use a coping skill
  20. Write a letter of forgiveness
  21. Go outside and enjoy nature
  22. Make time for self-care
  23. Create a visual of a positive message, quote, or affirmation for yourself to use everyday
  24. Don't complain for a whole day
  25. Practice positive self-talk for 5 minutes