What are someprofessionaldevelopmentopportunities youneed to providethis year?What might youinclude in anaction plan tosupportlearning goingforward?Where are wemaking the mostprogress inclosing theachievementgaps?What is ourevidence thatour plan issupportingeach studentthrive?What are someways that youmightdisaggregate thedata with theteachers in yourbuilding?What are thesomestrengths ofthestudents?Find aquickwin.Identify a specificprogram,intervention orservice thatimprovedoutcomes.Name threeareas ofimprovement.Where are wemaking the mostprogress inclosing theachievementgaps?What percentage ofstudents at gradelevel on previousyear's assessmentsdeclined in theirperformance?Whatinformationwill youshare withyour staff?What are thecharacteristics ofstudents whoachieveproficiency and ofthose who do not?How can I use theSDBQs to analyzeteachers'professionaldevelopmentneeds?What is somethingyou needinformation fromother sources toanswer?What are somesimilarities anddifferencesbetween datafrom varioussources?Whatquestionswill you askyour staff?Whatpatterns doyou findamongteachers?What areasdid you makethe mostimprovement?What seems togo together--whatassociations orconnects can wemake?What aresomequestionsI have?Based on thedata throughoutthe year, whatsurprised you?What is thelongitudinalprogress of aspecific cohortof students?How muchinstructionalsupport willteachers need toimprove studentachievement?What are someprofessionaldevelopmentopportunities youneed to providethis year?What might youinclude in anaction plan tosupportlearning goingforward?Where are wemaking the mostprogress inclosing theachievementgaps?What is ourevidence thatour plan issupportingeach studentthrive?What are someways that youmightdisaggregate thedata with theteachers in yourbuilding?What are thesomestrengths ofthestudents?Find aquickwin.Identify a specificprogram,intervention orservice thatimprovedoutcomes.Name threeareas ofimprovement.Where are wemaking the mostprogress inclosing theachievementgaps?What percentage ofstudents at gradelevel on previousyear's assessmentsdeclined in theirperformance?Whatinformationwill youshare withyour staff?What are thecharacteristics ofstudents whoachieveproficiency and ofthose who do not?How can I use theSDBQs to analyzeteachers'professionaldevelopmentneeds?What is somethingyou needinformation fromother sources toanswer?What are somesimilarities anddifferencesbetween datafrom varioussources?Whatquestionswill you askyour staff?Whatpatterns doyou findamongteachers?What areasdid you makethe mostimprovement?What seems togo together--whatassociations orconnects can wemake?What aresomequestionsI have?Based on thedata throughoutthe year, whatsurprised you?What is thelongitudinalprogress of aspecific cohortof students?How muchinstructionalsupport willteachers need toimprove studentachievement?

Data Dive - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. What are some professional development opportunities you need to provide this year?
  2. What might you include in an action plan to support learning going forward?
  3. Where are we making the most progress in closing the achievement gaps?
  4. What is our evidence that our plan is supporting each student thrive?
  5. What are some ways that you might disaggregate the data with the teachers in your building?
  6. What are the some strengths of the students?
  7. Find a quick win.
  8. Identify a specific program, intervention or service that improved outcomes.
  9. Name three areas of improvement.
  10. Where are we making the most progress in closing the achievement gaps?
  11. What percentage of students at grade level on previous year's assessments declined in their performance?
  12. What information will you share with your staff?
  13. What are the characteristics of students who achieve proficiency and of those who do not?
  14. How can I use the SDBQs to analyze teachers' professional development needs?
  15. What is something you need information from other sources to answer?
  16. What are some similarities and differences between data from various sources?
  17. What questions will you ask your staff?
  18. What patterns do you find among teachers?
  19. What areas did you make the most improvement?
  20. What seems to go together--what associations or connects can we make?
  21. What are some questions I have?
  22. Based on the data throughout the year, what surprised you?
  23. What is the longitudinal progress of a specific cohort of students?
  24. How much instructional support will teachers need to improve student achievement?