Describesomeone orsomethingthat makesyou feel safeListen mindfullyfor 10 secondsand then sharewhat you hearI am mostat peacewhen_______.Wiggle yourtoes for tenseconds andnotice how itfeelsName threethings you'regrateful forTake 15seconds tosilently check inwith how yourbody is feelingTake a deepbreath as agroup, inhalingfor 4 secondsand exhaling for6 secondsBriefly tell thegroup aboutsomeone youadmire andwhyShare ahappymemoryWhat's acopingskill youuse well?Give acomplimentto the personsitting acrossfrom youSilently take2 or 3 deepbreaths atyour ownpaceSilently take2 or 3 deepbreaths atyour ownpaceMindfullyobserve theroom and sharesomethingyou've nevernoticed beforeWhat's acoping skillyou'rehoping toimprove?What does"beingpresent"mean toyou?Take 15 secondsand silently thinkabout somethingthat makes youhappyStretch yourarms up tothe ceilingand enjoythe stretchTake 15seconds tosilently checkin with youremotionsWhat's onething you'regrateful for?I amgood at_____.If you could befriends with anyfamous personfrom history,who would it beand why?What's onekind thing youcan do todayfor someoneelse?What'ssomethingyou'reproud of?Describesomeone orsomethingthat makesyou feel safeListen mindfullyfor 10 secondsand then sharewhat you hearI am mostat peacewhen_______.Wiggle yourtoes for tenseconds andnotice how itfeelsName threethings you'regrateful forTake 15seconds tosilently check inwith how yourbody is feelingTake a deepbreath as agroup, inhalingfor 4 secondsand exhaling for6 secondsBriefly tell thegroup aboutsomeone youadmire andwhyShare ahappymemoryWhat's acopingskill youuse well?Give acomplimentto the personsitting acrossfrom youSilently take2 or 3 deepbreaths atyour ownpaceSilently take2 or 3 deepbreaths atyour ownpaceMindfullyobserve theroom and sharesomethingyou've nevernoticed beforeWhat's acoping skillyou'rehoping toimprove?What does"beingpresent"mean toyou?Take 15 secondsand silently thinkabout somethingthat makes youhappyStretch yourarms up tothe ceilingand enjoythe stretchTake 15seconds tosilently checkin with youremotionsWhat's onething you'regrateful for?I amgood at_____.If you could befriends with anyfamous personfrom history,who would it beand why?What's onekind thing youcan do todayfor someoneelse?What'ssomethingyou'reproud of?

Mindfulness Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Describe someone or something that makes you feel safe
  2. Listen mindfully for 10 seconds and then share what you hear
  3. I am most at peace when _______.
  4. Wiggle your toes for ten seconds and notice how it feels
  5. Name three things you're grateful for
  6. Take 15 seconds to silently check in with how your body is feeling
  7. Take a deep breath as a group, inhaling for 4 seconds and exhaling for 6 seconds
  8. Briefly tell the group about someone you admire and why
  9. Share a happy memory
  10. What's a coping skill you use well?
  11. Give a compliment to the person sitting across from you
  12. Silently take 2 or 3 deep breaths at your own pace
  13. Silently take 2 or 3 deep breaths at your own pace
  14. Mindfully observe the room and share something you've never noticed before
  15. What's a coping skill you're hoping to improve?
  16. What does "being present" mean to you?
  17. Take 15 seconds and silently think about something that makes you happy
  18. Stretch your arms up to the ceiling and enjoy the stretch
  19. Take 15 seconds to silently check in with your emotions
  20. What's one thing you're grateful for?
  21. I am good at _____.
  22. If you could be friends with any famous person from history, who would it be and why?
  23. What's one kind thing you can do today for someone else?
  24. What's something you're proud of?