3.6 I believe thereshould be programsin place to supportstudents that needintervention orenrichment.3.1 I use materialsthat are aligned tothe Iowa TeachingStandards and orIowa AcademicStandards. 3.5 I regularlyanalyzestudentachievement.3.3 I prioritizestudents havingaccess toessentialelements of thecurriculum.1.4 Icollaboratewith othersaroundstudent data.2.2 I trackgrowth onmyprofessionalgoals.2.6 I have theopportunity toparticipate indiscussionsabout effectivepractices.1.8 I haveadequateresources todo my job.3.4 I strive toeliminatedifferences inachievementfor diverselearners.1.4 I havewrittengoals/prioritiesthat I amworking toachieve.1.2 I have aprocess inplace tocommunicatewith parents.1.6 I involveparents inthe decisionsI make.1.3 I have anopportunity toprovidefeedback to theleaders that Iwork with.2.4 I know whichinstructionalpractices have thestrongest andweakest impact onstudent learning.1.4 I monitorstudentprogresstowardsgoals.2.3 I can describeeffective practices tosupport mystudents/staff/parents1.4 I havewrittengoals/prioritiesthat I amworking toachieve.2.1 I haveconsistent(research based)instructionalpractices that Iuse.1.7 Iacknowledgeand celebratethe growth of mystudents andcolleagues. 3.2 Theessentialelements of mywork have beenidentified. 2.5 I have theopportunity to attendprofessional learningopportunities thatimprove myprofessional practice.3.6 I believe thereshould be programsin place to supportstudents that needintervention orenrichment.3.1 I use materialsthat are aligned tothe Iowa TeachingStandards and orIowa AcademicStandards. 3.5 I regularlyanalyzestudentachievement.3.3 I prioritizestudents havingaccess toessentialelements of thecurriculum.1.4 Icollaboratewith othersaroundstudent data.2.2 I trackgrowth onmyprofessionalgoals.2.6 I have theopportunity toparticipate indiscussionsabout effectivepractices.1.8 I haveadequateresources todo my job.3.4 I strive toeliminatedifferences inachievementfor diverselearners.1.4 I havewrittengoals/prioritiesthat I amworking toachieve.1.2 I have aprocess inplace tocommunicatewith parents.1.6 I involveparents inthe decisionsI make.1.3 I have anopportunity toprovidefeedback to theleaders that Iwork with.2.4 I know whichinstructionalpractices have thestrongest andweakest impact onstudent learning.1.4 I monitorstudentprogresstowardsgoals.2.3 I can describeeffective practices tosupport mystudents/staff/parents1.4 I havewrittengoals/prioritiesthat I amworking toachieve.2.1 I haveconsistent(research based)instructionalpractices that Iuse.1.7 Iacknowledgeand celebratethe growth of mystudents andcolleagues. 3.2 Theessentialelements of mywork have beenidentified. 2.5 I have theopportunity to attendprofessional learningopportunities thatimprove myprofessional practice.

HRS That's Me!! - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. 3.6 I believe there should be programs in place to support students that need intervention or enrichment.
  2. 3.1 I use materials that are aligned to the Iowa Teaching Standards and or Iowa Academic Standards.
  3. 3.5 I regularly analyze student achievement.
  4. 3.3 I prioritize students having access to essential elements of the curriculum.
  5. 1.4 I collaborate with others around student data.
  6. 2.2 I track growth on my professional goals.
  7. 2.6 I have the opportunity to participate in discussions about effective practices.
  8. 1.8 I have adequate resources to do my job.
  9. 3.4 I strive to eliminate differences in achievement for diverse learners.
  10. 1.4 I have written goals/priorities that I am working to achieve.
  11. 1.2 I have a process in place to communicate with parents.
  12. 1.6 I involve parents in the decisions I make.
  13. 1.3 I have an opportunity to provide feedback to the leaders that I work with.
  14. 2.4 I know which instructional practices have the strongest and weakest impact on student learning.
  15. 1.4 I monitor student progress towards goals.
  16. 2.3 I can describe effective practices to support my students/staff/parents
  17. 1.4 I have written goals/priorities that I am working to achieve.
  18. 2.1 I have consistent (research based) instructional practices that I use.
  19. 1.7 I acknowledge and celebrate the growth of my students and colleagues.
  20. 3.2 The essential elements of my work have been identified.
  21. 2.5 I have the opportunity to attend professional learning opportunities that improve my professional practice.