A failedperceptioncheck causestable-widepanic.Kekoa formulatesa fantastic plan foran attack then rollsjust barely lowenough to misscompletely.EverythingThat CouldGo WrongWent Wrong.Literallyeveryone in theparty fails aninvestigationcheck one byone.A die isput intothe dicejail.Topazfumbles theinitiativeorder.Apollo comes upwith anunnecessarilycomplex idea thenrolls way too low toexecute his plan.The Duck isthoroughlydisappointed in theactions ofeveryone in theadventuring party.Axy has an actualgood idea or planthat is onlyrecognized as agood idea inhindsight.Mr. Stacey rollssomething whileeveryone istalking, which getseveryone else toshut up out of fear.Mr. Staceyforgets toremind theparty that anarea is dark.Thehamster ismentioned.Andreas rollsincredibly highfor the smallestimaginabletask.Andreas isdowned.(he has 9hit points)A monsterhilariouslyfails somekind of checkor save."You cancertainlytry!"Anyone's pastdecisions comeback to bite them.(they knew theywould but weresurprised anyway)Topaz attempts tokill or suggestskilling anyone notimmediately hostileto the party justafter meeting them.Infightingensues."Best friends?Best friends!"And then thestupidest thingyou've everseen happens.The party tries toreason with amonster peacefullybut ends upfighting it anyway.The party goesthe entiresession withoutprogressing tothe next room.The partyspends way toolong a time inone room thathas nosignificance.Cypher asksfor theDuck'sfeelings onthings.A failedperceptioncheck causestable-widepanic.Kekoa formulatesa fantastic plan foran attack then rollsjust barely lowenough to misscompletely.EverythingThat CouldGo WrongWent Wrong.Literallyeveryone in theparty fails aninvestigationcheck one byone.A die isput intothe dicejail.Topazfumbles theinitiativeorder.Apollo comes upwith anunnecessarilycomplex idea thenrolls way too low toexecute his plan.The Duck isthoroughlydisappointed in theactions ofeveryone in theadventuring party.Axy has an actualgood idea or planthat is onlyrecognized as agood idea inhindsight.Mr. Stacey rollssomething whileeveryone istalking, which getseveryone else toshut up out of fear.Mr. Staceyforgets toremind theparty that anarea is dark.Thehamster ismentioned.Andreas rollsincredibly highfor the smallestimaginabletask.Andreas isdowned.(he has 9hit points)A monsterhilariouslyfails somekind of checkor save."You cancertainlytry!"Anyone's pastdecisions comeback to bite them.(they knew theywould but weresurprised anyway)Topaz attempts tokill or suggestskilling anyone notimmediately hostileto the party justafter meeting them.Infightingensues."Best friends?Best friends!"And then thestupidest thingyou've everseen happens.The party tries toreason with amonster peacefullybut ends upfighting it anyway.The party goesthe entiresession withoutprogressing tothe next room.The partyspends way toolong a time inone room thathas nosignificance.Cypher asksfor theDuck'sfeelings onthings.

D&D CLUB BINGO! - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. A failed perception check causes table-wide panic.
  2. Kekoa formulates a fantastic plan for an attack then rolls just barely low enough to miss completely.
  3. Everything That Could Go Wrong Went Wrong.
  4. Literally everyone in the party fails an investigation check one by one.
  5. A die is put into the dice jail.
  6. Topaz fumbles the initiative order.
  7. Apollo comes up with an unnecessarily complex idea then rolls way too low to execute his plan.
  8. The Duck is thoroughly disappointed in the actions of everyone in the adventuring party.
  9. Axy has an actual good idea or plan that is only recognized as a good idea in hindsight.
  10. Mr. Stacey rolls something while everyone is talking, which gets everyone else to shut up out of fear.
  11. Mr. Stacey forgets to remind the party that an area is dark.
  12. The hamster is mentioned.
  13. Andreas rolls incredibly high for the smallest imaginable task.
  14. Andreas is downed. (he has 9 hit points)
  15. A monster hilariously fails some kind of check or save.
  16. "You can certainly try!"
  17. Anyone's past decisions come back to bite them. (they knew they would but were surprised anyway)
  18. Topaz attempts to kill or suggests killing anyone not immediately hostile to the party just after meeting them.
  19. Infighting ensues.
  20. "Best friends? Best friends!" And then the stupidest thing you've ever seen happens.
  21. The party tries to reason with a monster peacefully but ends up fighting it anyway.
  22. The party goes the entire session without progressing to the next room.
  23. The party spends way too long a time in one room that has no significance.
  24. Cypher asks for the Duck's feelings on things.