All familymembers willhelp prepare afamily dinner.Eat ahealthysnacktoday.Everyoneattempts25 sit-upsMake an exercisechart for familymembers to writedown their dailyactive minutes..Jog in placeor on a cardiomachine fortwo minutes.Everyoneattempt10 push-ups today.Take a familyhike or walkaround theneighbor-hood.Make ahealthyvariation ofoatmeal orpancakes.Eatbreakfasttogethertoday.Make a familycircle andcomplete fivestretches oryoga posesSchedule a time todo family "active"-housechores and rewardyour team effortwith a fun activityafterward.Go out andbuild asnowmanor play in thesnow!List your top 5familyactivities andmake it a pointto do themGoogle the "fiveareas of fitness"and list thingsyou do in eachcategoryTell everyoneone positivecharacter traitthey bring tothe familyVisitMyplate.govand list yourfavorite foodsin each group.Try a newfamily outdooractivity.....likesnow-shoeing!Family PlankChallengeWho can holdthe longest?Try the "wall sit"(back againstthe wall in aseated position)for as long asyou can.Everyone staysoda or sugary-drink free forthe entireweekend.Everyoneeats agreen andleafy foodtoday.Everyone try anewlyprepared fruitor vegetabletoday.Everyonewalk amiletoday!Familychoice ofactivemovingtoday.All familymembers willhelp prepare afamily dinner.Eat ahealthysnacktoday.Everyoneattempts25 sit-upsMake an exercisechart for familymembers to writedown their dailyactive minutes..Jog in placeor on a cardiomachine fortwo minutes.Everyoneattempt10 push-ups today.Take a familyhike or walkaround theneighbor-hood.Make ahealthyvariation ofoatmeal orpancakes.Eatbreakfasttogethertoday.Make a familycircle andcomplete fivestretches oryoga posesSchedule a time todo family "active"-housechores and rewardyour team effortwith a fun activityafterward.Go out andbuild asnowmanor play in thesnow!List your top 5familyactivities andmake it a pointto do themGoogle the "fiveareas of fitness"and list thingsyou do in eachcategoryTell everyoneone positivecharacter traitthey bring tothe familyVisitMyplate.govand list yourfavorite foodsin each group.Try a newfamily outdooractivity.....likesnow-shoeing!Family PlankChallengeWho can holdthe longest?Try the "wall sit"(back againstthe wall in aseated position)for as long asyou can.Everyone staysoda or sugary-drink free forthe entireweekend.Everyoneeats agreen andleafy foodtoday.Everyone try anewlyprepared fruitor vegetabletoday.Everyonewalk amiletoday!Familychoice ofactivemovingtoday.

Family Fitness New Year Bingo! - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. All family members will help prepare a family dinner.
  2. Eat a healthy snack today.
  3. Everyone attempts 25 sit-ups
  4. Make an exercise chart for family members to write down their daily active minutes..
  5. Jog in place or on a cardio machine for two minutes.
  6. Everyone attempt 10 push-ups today.
  7. Take a family hike or walk around the neighbor-hood.
  8. Make a healthy variation of oatmeal or pancakes.
  9. Eat breakfast together today.
  10. Make a family circle and complete five stretches or yoga poses
  11. Schedule a time to do family "active"- house chores and reward your team effort with a fun activity afterward.
  12. Go out and build a snowman or play in the snow!
  13. List your top 5 family activities and make it a point to do them
  14. Google the "five areas of fitness" and list things you do in each category
  15. Tell everyone one positive character trait they bring to the family
  16. Visit and list your favorite foods in each group.
  17. Try a new family outdoor snow- shoeing!
  18. Family Plank Challenge Who can hold the longest?
  19. Try the "wall sit" (back against the wall in a seated position) for as long as you can.
  20. Everyone stay soda or sugary-drink free for the entire weekend.
  21. Everyone eats a green and leafy food today.
  22. Everyone try a newly prepared fruit or vegetable today.
  23. Everyone walk a mile today!
  24. Family choice of active moving today.