Where can Isource resourcepersons to coverthe inclusion tipsfor different type ofimpairments?How much timedoes it take totrain DIFs in theinclusion tips fordifferent types ofimpairmentsWhat kind ofmethods help toteach DIFsinclusion tips? Howcan you make thissession engaging?How can youmanage timemoreeffectively?What if I can'tfind a focalperson with aspecific type ofimpairment?Why is it importantto give keybackgroundinformation ondifferent types ofimpairmentsduring the ToT?How are peoplewith different typesof impairmentsinvolved in thissession during the6 day TOT?When in theprocess of planningthe 6 day TOTshould I startreaching out tofocal people tosupport?Which types ofimpairmentsshould Iprioritize duringthe TOT? why?Where can Isource resourcepersons to coverthe inclusion tipsfor different type ofimpairments?How much timedoes it take totrain DIFs in theinclusion tips fordifferent types ofimpairmentsWhat kind ofmethods help toteach DIFsinclusion tips? Howcan you make thissession engaging?How can youmanage timemoreeffectively?What if I can'tfind a focalperson with aspecific type ofimpairment?Why is it importantto give keybackgroundinformation ondifferent types ofimpairmentsduring the ToT?How are peoplewith different typesof impairmentsinvolved in thissession during the6 day TOT?When in theprocess of planningthe 6 day TOTshould I startreaching out tofocal people tosupport?Which types ofimpairmentsshould Iprioritize duringthe TOT? why?

Training the DIFs in Inclusion Tips BINGO - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Where can I source resource persons to cover the inclusion tips for different type of impairments?
  2. How much time does it take to train DIFs in the inclusion tips for different types of impairments
  3. What kind of methods help to teach DIFs inclusion tips? How can you make this session engaging?
  4. How can you manage time more effectively?
  5. What if I can't find a focal person with a specific type of impairment?
  6. Why is it important to give key background information on different types of impairments during the ToT?
  7. How are people with different types of impairments involved in this session during the 6 day TOT?
  8. When in the process of planning the 6 day TOT should I start reaching out to focal people to support?
  9. Which types of impairments should I prioritize during the TOT? why?