Read a book,whether it isa few pagesor a thewhole thingTake adeepbreathFocus on any of yoursenses in anymoment you choose.It can be feeling ofthe hot water in theshower, the smell ofcoffee, the soft fur ona pet, etc Take a ten-minutebreak during theworkday to walkaround theneighborhood Attendoutdooractivity inJulyTake a selfiewith someonewhosecompany youenjoyGiveyourselfpermissionto relaxParticipatein a hobbyyou enjoyWrite downone thingyou likeaboutyourself.Connect with anold friend orfamily memberyou haven'tspoken to in awhile.*Attend cookingclass event (orindependently)*Tellsomeonea jokeStretchright whenyou wakeupAttendcompanyShow &Tell ActivityIn our Teams "Generalchannel", post a picture ofyour outdoor activity with#MentalHealthAwarenessTalk tosomeoneabout howyou'refeelingShare yourfavorite song,movie, work ofart and yourthoughts on itwith someone. Take inthesunrise orsunset *AttendCignawellnessworkshop*Pet a dog.Or a cat. Ora llama.(Substitutesallowed) Write yourselfa letterreflecting onthe past year Say “no” tosomethingyou’ve beenmeaning tosay no toCelebrate your effortsor acheivements,whether big or small,in whatever way toresonates with you.Decluttera space athome orat work. Read a book,whether it isa few pagesor a thewhole thingTake adeepbreathFocus on any of yoursenses in anymoment you choose.It can be feeling ofthe hot water in theshower, the smell ofcoffee, the soft fur ona pet, etc Take a ten-minutebreak during theworkday to walkaround theneighborhood Attendoutdooractivity inJulyTake a selfiewith someonewhosecompany youenjoyGiveyourselfpermissionto relaxParticipatein a hobbyyou enjoyWrite downone thingyou likeaboutyourself.Connect with anold friend orfamily memberyou haven'tspoken to in awhile.*Attend cookingclass event (orindependently)*Tellsomeonea jokeStretchright whenyou wakeupAttendcompanyShow &Tell ActivityIn our Teams "Generalchannel", post a picture ofyour outdoor activity with#MentalHealthAwarenessTalk tosomeoneabout howyou'refeelingShare yourfavorite song,movie, work ofart and yourthoughts on itwith someone. Take inthesunrise orsunset *AttendCignawellnessworkshop*Pet a dog.Or a cat. Ora llama.(Substitutesallowed) Write yourselfa letterreflecting onthe past year Say “no” tosomethingyou’ve beenmeaning tosay no toCelebrate your effortsor acheivements,whether big or small,in whatever way toresonates with you.Decluttera space athome orat work. 

Mental Health Awareness Month - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Read a book, whether it is a few pages or a the whole thing
  2. Take a deep breath
  3. Focus on any of your senses in any moment you choose. It can be feeling of the hot water in the shower, the smell of coffee, the soft fur on a pet, etc 
  4. Take a ten-minute break during the workday to walk around the neighborhood 
  5. Attend outdoor activity in July
  6. Take a selfie with someone whose company you enjoy
  7. Give yourself permission to relax
  8. Participate in a hobby you enjoy
  9. Write down one thing you like about yourself.
  10. Connect with an old friend or family member you haven't spoken to in a while.
  11. *Attend cooking class event (or independently)*
  12. Tell someone a joke
  13. Stretch right when you wake up
  14. Attend company Show & Tell Activity
  15. In our Teams "General channel", post a picture of your outdoor activity with #MentalHealthAwareness
  16. Talk to someone about how you're feeling
  17. Share your favorite song, movie, work of art and your thoughts on it with someone. 
  18. Take in the sunrise or sunset 
  19. *Attend Cigna wellness workshop*
  20. Pet a dog. Or a cat. Or a llama. (Substitutes allowed) 
  21. Write yourself a letter reflecting on the past year 
  22. Say “no” to something you’ve been meaning to say no to
  23. Celebrate your efforts or acheivements, whether big or small, in whatever way to resonates with you.
  24. Declutter a space at home or at work.