- legal restriction onthe account ,paymentmade throughCollections ,checkreturned for a reasonother than NSF ,checkwas for a payoffSPOTpaymentsare onlysubmittedonce.Quest loandocumentationservice requestto LNDOCFalse, the collateralneeds to be real property.You cannot request asubordination on a loansecured by any other typeof collateral. For loanssecured by other types ofcollateral, the loan wouldhave to be paid off orrefinanced.KEO willresult ina blockadvise the client theycan write or fax therequest and Providethe client with Line ofCredit Collectionsaddress and/or faxnumberInstruct the client to destroyany equity cards and/or anyunused convenience checks.Follow the procedure to closethe equity cards, send TCSfree form to LNMAINT-ID orLN-MAINT-OH work queue,create a follow up to verify theaccount was closedAdvise the clientto mail or fax awritten request tothe ConsumerLending Center(CLC)A subordination is anagreement between twocreditors in which onegrants the other apriority claim to theborrower's collateral inthe event of a defaultAdvise the caller that prior toreleasing a payoff/paydown,we will need a writtenauthorization from the client.(Cannot be older than 60days) (they can include thepay off letter request within there written authorization fromthe client) KeyWe willattempt tosubmit thepayment asecond timeProvideAllied bankwith pay offamount viaAMPPOrder apayoffletter forthe clientdescriptionof ACHRTN inAMHSInstruct the client todestroy any equitycards and/or anyunused conveniencechecks. Advise theclient to mail or fax asigned, written requestto the appropriate LOCClosing - Loan Center- Instruct the caller to call CLCto provide the informationrequired to process. Advise of$260 fee (If Applicable), allow10 to 15 business days afterthe denial decision for refundprocessing and mailing. TheCLC will fax the request formto thQuotePAYOFFAMT fromAMPPscreenPAYOFF AMTminus PAYOFFPNLTY AMTminusRECONVEYANCEFEE?- Advise the client tomail or fax a writtenrequest with the belowinformation to theappropriate Client Service- Loan Center to have theLOC blocked, includesignature, accountnumber and nameAdvise the client that s/hecan make the paydown ata branch, or mail thepaydown check with aletter indicating the checkis intended as a paydownto the appropriate loancenter payment addressAdvise clientan LOCcannpt beunblockedLines of credit may beblocked as a result of apayoff request,delinquency, collectionsissues, substantial riskto the bank or a clientrequestadvise the thirdparty that allsubordinationrequests aredenied, we will notchange out lienpositionAdvise the client to mailor fax a written request tothe Consumer LendingCenter with the followinginformation, accountnumber, reason blockwas placed, reason blockis being removed, allsigners signatures etc- legal restriction onthe account ,paymentmade throughCollections ,checkreturned for a reasonother than NSF ,checkwas for a payoffSPOTpaymentsare onlysubmittedonce.Quest loandocumentationservice requestto LNDOCFalse, the collateralneeds to be real property.You cannot request asubordination on a loansecured by any other typeof collateral. For loanssecured by other types ofcollateral, the loan wouldhave to be paid off orrefinanced.KEO willresult ina blockadvise the client theycan write or fax therequest and Providethe client with Line ofCredit Collectionsaddress and/or faxnumberInstruct the client to destroyany equity cards and/or anyunused convenience checks.Follow the procedure to closethe equity cards, send TCSfree form to LNMAINT-ID orLN-MAINT-OH work queue,create a follow up to verify theaccount was closedAdvise the clientto mail or fax awritten request tothe ConsumerLending Center(CLC)A subordination is anagreement between twocreditors in which onegrants the other apriority claim to theborrower's collateral inthe event of a defaultAdvise the caller that prior toreleasing a payoff/paydown,we will need a writtenauthorization from the client.(Cannot be older than 60days) (they can include thepay off letter request within there written authorization fromthe client) KeyWe willattempt tosubmit thepayment asecond timeProvideAllied bankwith pay offamount viaAMPPOrder apayoffletter forthe clientdescriptionof ACHRTN inAMHSInstruct the client todestroy any equitycards and/or anyunused conveniencechecks. Advise theclient to mail or fax asigned, written requestto the appropriate LOCClosing - Loan Center- Instruct the caller to call CLCto provide the informationrequired to process. Advise of$260 fee (If Applicable), allow10 to 15 business days afterthe denial decision for refundprocessing and mailing. TheCLC will fax the request formto thQuotePAYOFFAMT fromAMPPscreenPAYOFF AMTminus PAYOFFPNLTY AMTminusRECONVEYANCEFEE?- Advise the client tomail or fax a writtenrequest with the belowinformation to theappropriate Client Service- Loan Center to have theLOC blocked, includesignature, accountnumber and nameAdvise the client that s/hecan make the paydown ata branch, or mail thepaydown check with aletter indicating the checkis intended as a paydownto the appropriate loancenter payment addressAdvise clientan LOCcannpt beunblockedLines of credit may beblocked as a result of apayoff request,delinquency, collectionsissues, substantial riskto the bank or a clientrequestadvise the thirdparty that allsubordinationrequests aredenied, we will notchange out lienpositionAdvise the client to mailor fax a written request tothe Consumer LendingCenter with the followinginformation, accountnumber, reason blockwas placed, reason blockis being removed, allsigners signatures etc

LOC procedures - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. - legal restriction on the account ,payment made through Collections ,check returned for a reason other than NSF ,check was for a payoff
  2. SPOT payments are only submitted once.
  3. Quest loan documentation service request to LNDOC
  4. False, the collateral needs to be real property. You cannot request a subordination on a loan secured by any other type of collateral. For loans secured by other types of collateral, the loan would have to be paid off or refinanced.
  5. KEO will result in a block
  6. advise the client they can write or fax the request and Provide the client with Line of Credit Collections address and/or fax number
  7. Instruct the client to destroy any equity cards and/or any unused convenience checks. Follow the procedure to close the equity cards, send TCS free form to LNMAINT-ID or LN-MAINT-OH work queue, create a follow up to verify the account was closed
  8. Advise the client to mail or fax a written request to the Consumer Lending Center (CLC)
  9. A subordination is an agreement between two creditors in which one grants the other a priority claim to the borrower's collateral in the event of a default
  10. Advise the caller that prior to releasing a payoff/paydown, we will need a written authorization from the client. (Cannot be older than 60 days) (they can include the pay off letter request within the re written authorization from the client) Key
  11. We will attempt to submit the payment a second time
  12. Provide Allied bank with pay off amount via AMPP
  13. Order a payoff letter for the client
  14. description of ACH RTN in AMHS
  15. Instruct the client to destroy any equity cards and/or any unused convenience checks. Advise the client to mail or fax a signed, written request to the appropriate LOC Closing - Loan Center
  16. - Instruct the caller to call CLC to provide the information required to process. Advise of $260 fee (If Applicable), allow 10 to 15 business days after the denial decision for refund processing and mailing. The CLC will fax the request form to th
  17. Quote PAYOFF AMT from AMPP screen
  19. ?- Advise the client to mail or fax a written request with the below information to the appropriate Client Service - Loan Center to have the LOC blocked, include signature, account number and name
  20. Advise the client that s/he can make the paydown at a branch, or mail the paydown check with a letter indicating the check is intended as a paydown to the appropriate loan center payment address
  21. Advise client an LOC cannpt be unblocked
  22. Lines of credit may be blocked as a result of a payoff request, delinquency, collections issues, substantial risk to the bank or a client request
  23. advise the third party that all subordination requests are denied, we will not change out lien position
  24. Advise the client to mail or fax a written request to the Consumer Lending Center with the following information, account number, reason block was placed, reason block is being removed, all signers signatures etc