Investments aremade in talent,products, andservices topromote racialequity.I mentorsomeonewho isdifferent fromme.."We use ourplatform tospeak outagainstsystemicissues."I will alternatedifferent timezones whenarranging globalconference calls..Leadershipdrivesaccountabilityand supportsDEI effortsMultiplereligious andculturalpractices areacknowledged.I am not afraidto seek outinformation onD&I topicswhich I amunclear about..DEIachievementsarecelebrated.I understandthe differencebetweenvulnerabilityand weakness..I couragemy team toworkagile..Flexible workoptions areencouragedfor use by allemployees.Leadership iscommitted tochangingbehaviors thatstand in the way oflasting change.Guidingprinciplesmirror DEIgoals.I understand andcan communicatethe business casefor diversity andinclusion."I feel safe tochallengeassumptions"DEI isembeddedin all boardprocesses.I allowfailures andmistakes formy team..I considermyself anadvocate forinclusion.I take correctivesteps when thereare inappropriateremarks/commentsin the workplace.DEI strategydoesn't endat an annualtraining.Inclusiveleaders arerewarded fortheir efforts.HUGS feelsupportedduring timesof heightenedprejudice."I can bringmy authenticself to work."Talent selectionrequirementsand processesare unbiased.Investments aremade in talent,products, andservices topromote racialequity.I mentorsomeonewho isdifferent fromme.."We use ourplatform tospeak outagainstsystemicissues."I will alternatedifferent timezones whenarranging globalconference calls..Leadershipdrivesaccountabilityand supportsDEI effortsMultiplereligious andculturalpractices areacknowledged.I am not afraidto seek outinformation onD&I topicswhich I amunclear about..DEIachievementsarecelebrated.I understandthe differencebetweenvulnerabilityand weakness..I couragemy team toworkagile..Flexible workoptions areencouragedfor use by allemployees.Leadership iscommitted tochangingbehaviors thatstand in the way oflasting change.Guidingprinciplesmirror DEIgoals.I understand andcan communicatethe business casefor diversity andinclusion."I feel safe tochallengeassumptions"DEI isembeddedin all boardprocesses.I allowfailures andmistakes formy team..I considermyself anadvocate forinclusion.I take correctivesteps when thereare inappropriateremarks/commentsin the workplace.DEI strategydoesn't endat an annualtraining.Inclusiveleaders arerewarded fortheir efforts.HUGS feelsupportedduring timesof heightenedprejudice."I can bringmy authenticself to work."Talent selectionrequirementsand processesare unbiased.

DEI Bingo Round 2 - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Investments are made in talent, products, and services to promote racial equity.
  2. I mentor someone who is different from me..
  3. "We use our platform to speak out against systemic issues."
  4. I will alternate different time zones when arranging global conference calls..
  5. Leadership drives accountability and supports DEI efforts
  6. Multiple religious and cultural practices are acknowledged.
  7. I am not afraid to seek out information on D&I topics which I am unclear about..
  8. DEI achievements are celebrated.
  9. I understand the difference between vulnerability and weakness..
  10. I courage my team to work agile..
  11. Flexible work options are encouraged for use by all employees.
  12. Leadership is committed to changing behaviors that stand in the way of lasting change.
  13. Guiding principles mirror DEI goals.
  14. I understand and can communicate the business case for diversity and inclusion.
  15. "I feel safe to challenge assumptions"
  16. DEI is embedded in all board processes.
  17. I allow failures and mistakes for my team..
  18. I consider myself an advocate for inclusion.
  19. I take corrective steps when there are inappropriate remarks/comments in the workplace.
  20. DEI strategy doesn't end at an annual training.
  21. Inclusive leaders are rewarded for their efforts.
  22. HUGS feel supported during times of heightened prejudice.
  23. "I can bring my authentic self to work."
  24. Talent selection requirements and processes are unbiased.