Identify thedifferencebetweeninternal andexternalcustomers.Describe a timewhen you wentabove andbeyond toassist acustomer. Name atechnology ortool commonlyused incustomerservice. Name onecommunicationskill crucial foreffectivecustomerservice.List one benefitof providingoutstandingcustomerservice to acompany. List one wayto handle adifficultcustomer.Describeone ofyour "hotbuttons".List one waytopersonalizethe customerexperience. Share yourpersonalcommunicationstyle.Share what"ExceptionalService"means toyou.Describe a timewhen you had toadapt yourcommunicationstyle for a specificcustomer. Share a tip formaintainingprofessionalismin customerinteractions. Provide threedifferentexamples ofwhat acustomer is.Share an exampleof when you hadto collaborate witha colleague toassist a customer. Name asituation whereempathy playeda crucial role incustomerservice. List one way tohandle a situationwhere you don'thave animmediate answerfor a customer.Share a tipfor creatinga respectfulworkplace.Share a timewhen youprovidedexceptionalcustomerservice.Share acustomerservice tipyou findvaluable. Share twobarriers thatcan alter thereception ofa message.Describe asituation whereactive listeninghelped resolvean issue. Share a tip forde-escalatinga tensecustomerinteraction. List a quality ortrait importantfor a successfulcustomerservicerepresentative. What's a positiveoutcome you'veexperienced fromgreat customerservice?Identify thedifferencebetweeninternal andexternalcustomers.Describe a timewhen you wentabove andbeyond toassist acustomer. Name atechnology ortool commonlyused incustomerservice. Name onecommunicationskill crucial foreffectivecustomerservice.List one benefitof providingoutstandingcustomerservice to acompany. List one wayto handle adifficultcustomer.Describeone ofyour "hotbuttons".List one waytopersonalizethe customerexperience. Share yourpersonalcommunicationstyle.Share what"ExceptionalService"means toyou.Describe a timewhen you had toadapt yourcommunicationstyle for a specificcustomer. Share a tip formaintainingprofessionalismin customerinteractions. Provide threedifferentexamples ofwhat acustomer is.Share an exampleof when you hadto collaborate witha colleague toassist a customer. Name asituation whereempathy playeda crucial role incustomerservice. List one way tohandle a situationwhere you don'thave animmediate answerfor a customer.Share a tipfor creatinga respectfulworkplace.Share a timewhen youprovidedexceptionalcustomerservice.Share acustomerservice tipyou findvaluable. Share twobarriers thatcan alter thereception ofa message.Describe asituation whereactive listeninghelped resolvean issue. Share a tip forde-escalatinga tensecustomerinteraction. List a quality ortrait importantfor a successfulcustomerservicerepresentative. What's a positiveoutcome you'veexperienced fromgreat customerservice?

Charlotte Water Customer Service "Bingo" - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Identify the difference between internal and external customers.
  2. Describe a time when you went above and beyond to assist a customer.
  3. Name a technology or tool commonly used in customer service.
  4. Name one communication skill crucial for effective customer service.
  5. List one benefit of providing outstanding customer service to a company.
  6. List one way to handle a difficult customer.
  7. Describe one of your "hot buttons".
  8. List one way to personalize the customer experience.
  9. Share your personal communication style.
  10. Share what "Exceptional Service" means to you.
  11. Describe a time when you had to adapt your communication style for a specific customer.
  12. Share a tip for maintaining professionalism in customer interactions.
  13. Provide three different examples of what a customer is.
  14. Share an example of when you had to collaborate with a colleague to assist a customer.
  15. Name a situation where empathy played a crucial role in customer service.
  16. List one way to handle a situation where you don't have an immediate answer for a customer.
  17. Share a tip for creating a respectful workplace.
  18. Share a time when you provided exceptional customer service.
  19. Share a customer service tip you find valuable.
  20. Share two barriers that can alter the reception of a message.
  21. Describe a situation where active listening helped resolve an issue.
  22. Share a tip for de-escalating a tense customer interaction.
  23. List a quality or trait important for a successful customer service representative.
  24. What's a positive outcome you've experienced from great customer service?