It's their fault Isnapped atthem theyshouldn't haveannoyed meBlamingIt’s true that Ipassed thetest, but that’sonly becauseit was easyIgnoringthepositiveIf they don'trespond tome, theymust hatemeMindreadingWhensomethinggoes wrongit's alwaysmy fault.BlamingI must dothingsperfectlyotherwise I'ma failureAll or nothingthinking &missionimpossiblePeoplefind meboring.MindreadingI will nevermake newfriendsagain.All or nothingthinking &fortunetellingI didn't getan interview,I'm nevergoing to finda jobOvergeneralising& all or nothingthinkingIf I don't getthe best grade,the teacher willthink I'mstupid.All or nothingthinking &mind readingIt would be theworst thing everif I blushedanswering aquestion inclassCatastrophisingConstructivecriticismmeans mywork is allrubbishNegativementalfilterI got a badgrade beforeso what's thepoint trying?OvergeneralisingI'mstupid.LabellingWhen peoplelook at me, theyare thinking Iam strange orweird.MindreadingI shouldnever feelnervousaround otherpeopleMissionimpossibleI must alwaysbe interestingandentertainingto othersMissionimpossibleI feel soanxious.Something badis definitelygoing tohappenEmotionalreasoningIf I lose mytrain of thoughteven once, I'llblow the entirepresentationMissionimpossibleBecause Imissed thatgoal we lostthe game.BlamingI'm soembarrassed,I must be anidiotEmotionalreasoning& labellingMy friendcomplimentedme, but they'rejust saying thatbecause they'remy friendNegativementalfilterI shouldknow how todo this, I'msuch afailureMissionimpossible& labellingI will havenothing to sayand then they'llnever want totalk to me againFortune telling&catastrophisingIf I go out,everyonewill stareat me.FortunetellingIt's their fault Isnapped atthem theyshouldn't haveannoyed meBlamingIt’s true that Ipassed thetest, but that’sonly becauseit was easyIgnoringthepositiveIf they don'trespond tome, theymust hatemeMindreadingWhensomethinggoes wrongit's alwaysmy fault.BlamingI must dothingsperfectlyotherwise I'ma failureAll or nothingthinking &missionimpossiblePeoplefind meboring.MindreadingI will nevermake newfriendsagain.All or nothingthinking &fortunetellingI didn't getan interview,I'm nevergoing to finda jobOvergeneralising& all or nothingthinkingIf I don't getthe best grade,the teacher willthink I'mstupid.All or nothingthinking &mind readingIt would be theworst thing everif I blushedanswering aquestion inclassCatastrophisingConstructivecriticismmeans mywork is allrubbishNegativementalfilterI got a badgrade beforeso what's thepoint trying?OvergeneralisingI'mstupid.LabellingWhen peoplelook at me, theyare thinking Iam strange orweird.MindreadingI shouldnever feelnervousaround otherpeopleMissionimpossibleI must alwaysbe interestingandentertainingto othersMissionimpossibleI feel soanxious.Something badis definitelygoing tohappenEmotionalreasoningIf I lose mytrain of thoughteven once, I'llblow the entirepresentationMissionimpossibleBecause Imissed thatgoal we lostthe game.BlamingI'm soembarrassed,I must be anidiotEmotionalreasoning& labellingMy friendcomplimentedme, but they'rejust saying thatbecause they'remy friendNegativementalfilterI shouldknow how todo this, I'msuch afailureMissionimpossible& labellingI will havenothing to sayand then they'llnever want totalk to me againFortune telling&catastrophisingIf I go out,everyonewill stareat me.Fortunetelling

Thinking Traps - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Blaming
    It's their fault I snapped at them they shouldn't have annoyed me
  2. Ignoring the positive
    It’s true that I passed the test, but that’s only because it was easy
  3. Mind reading
    If they don't respond to me, they must hate me
  4. Blaming
    When something goes wrong it's always my fault.
  5. All or nothing thinking & mission impossible
    I must do things perfectly otherwise I'm a failure
  6. Mind reading
    People find me boring.
  7. All or nothing thinking & fortune telling
    I will never make new friends again.
  8. Overgeneralising & all or nothing thinking
    I didn't get an interview, I'm never going to find a job
  9. All or nothing thinking & mind reading
    If I don't get the best grade, the teacher will think I'm stupid.
  10. Catastrophising
    It would be the worst thing ever if I blushed answering a question in class
  11. Negative mental filter
    Constructive criticism means my work is all rubbish
  12. Overgeneralising
    I got a bad grade before so what's the point trying?
  13. Labelling
    I'm stupid.
  14. Mind reading
    When people look at me, they are thinking I am strange or weird.
  15. Mission impossible
    I should never feel nervous around other people
  16. Mission impossible
    I must always be interesting and entertaining to others
  17. Emotional reasoning
    I feel so anxious. Something bad is definitely going to happen
  18. Mission impossible
    If I lose my train of thought even once, I'll blow the entire presentation
  19. Blaming
    Because I missed that goal we lost the game.
  20. Emotional reasoning & labelling
    I'm so embarrassed, I must be an idiot
  21. Negative mental filter
    My friend complimented me, but they're just saying that because they're my friend
  22. Mission impossible & labelling
    I should know how to do this, I'm such a failure
  23. Fortune telling & catastrophising
    I will have nothing to say and then they'll never want to talk to me again
  24. Fortune telling
    If I go out, everyone will stare at me.