Having to reachout toprovider/PDC/Innafor alternative datebecause the onewe are offering isalready takenAsking RN forAR Request fora patientbecause ithasn’t beenplaced yetSchedule1 IR/T2DSuccessfullyschedule 10appts priorto noonFullregistrationCome across afamily who doesn’tuse interpreterwhen you haveinterpreter on thelineGo tobreak/lunchon timeFamily movedto anotherlocation, nolonger in theareaAre able tofullycomplete 8In BasketmessagesSchedulesubsequentAccutanefollow upsLearn a cool factabout your workneighbor/somethingyou have in common(remember the fact toshare during nextLDI)ProvidedCOVIDdetailsduring callSchedule 5DIA apptsor 3 GENEND apptsFinding a chartwith onlyparents phonenumbers whenpatient is >18yoArrivedto workon timeHaving torespond toprovider forclarificationSchedule a fullTeam DIA visitper orderswithout familydecliningSchedule1 PALapptComplete out15 2ndcalls/MyChartticketsFamily refusesto schedulebecause theythink they don’tneed toDiffuseangryfamilyTransferringfamily to RNline/otherSeattleChildren’sservicesFamily is notable to takethe apptdate/time youare offeringSchedule 3laser followups for 1patientAttemptcollaborationwith anotherclinicHaving to reachout toprovider/PDC/Innafor alternative datebecause the onewe are offering isalready takenAsking RN forAR Request fora patientbecause ithasn’t beenplaced yetSchedule1 IR/T2DSuccessfullyschedule 10appts priorto noonFullregistrationCome across afamily who doesn’tuse interpreterwhen you haveinterpreter on thelineGo tobreak/lunchon timeFamily movedto anotherlocation, nolonger in theareaAre able tofullycomplete 8In BasketmessagesSchedulesubsequentAccutanefollow upsLearn a cool factabout your workneighbor/somethingyou have in common(remember the fact toshare during nextLDI)ProvidedCOVIDdetailsduring callSchedule 5DIA apptsor 3 GENEND apptsFinding a chartwith onlyparents phonenumbers whenpatient is >18yoArrivedto workon timeHaving torespond toprovider forclarificationSchedule a fullTeam DIA visitper orderswithout familydecliningSchedule1 PALapptComplete out15 2ndcalls/MyChartticketsFamily refusesto schedulebecause theythink they don’tneed toDiffuseangryfamilyTransferringfamily to RNline/otherSeattleChildren’sservicesFamily is notable to takethe apptdate/time youare offeringSchedule 3laser followups for 1patientAttemptcollaborationwith anotherclinic

Outbound Pals - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Having to reach out to provider/PDC/Inna for alternative date because the one we are offering is already taken
  2. Asking RN for AR Request for a patient because it hasn’t been placed yet
  3. Schedule 1 IR/T2D
  4. Successfully schedule 10 appts prior to noon
  5. Full registration
  6. Come across a family who doesn’t use interpreter when you have interpreter on the line
  7. Go to break/lunch on time
  8. Family moved to another location, no longer in the area
  9. Are able to fully complete 8 In Basket messages
  10. Schedule subsequent Accutane follow ups
  11. Learn a cool fact about your work neighbor/something you have in common (remember the fact to share during next LDI)
  12. Provided COVID details during call
  13. Schedule 5 DIA appts or 3 GEN END appts
  14. Finding a chart with only parents phone numbers when patient is >18yo
  15. Arrived to work on time
  16. Having to respond to provider for clarification
  17. Schedule a full Team DIA visit per orders without family declining
  18. Schedule 1 PAL appt
  19. Complete out 15 2nd calls/MyChart tickets
  20. Family refuses to schedule because they think they don’t need to
  21. Diffuse angry family
  22. Transferring family to RN line/other Seattle Children’s services
  23. Family is not able to take the appt date/time you are offering
  24. Schedule 3 laser follow ups for 1 patient
  25. Attempt collaboration with another clinic