What are somecareers whereresilience isreallyessential?” “What are yourvalues and howdo they guideyourresilience?”“What do youconsider tobea comfortzone?” “Tell me aboutatime where youturned achallenge intoan opportunity?“What aresome commoncharacteristicsof resilientpeople?”How do youcelebrateprogress, nomatter howsmall?”Recommendme yourfavouritecomfort film orTV show”“What aresome waysthatyou show youare resilient?”“Who are thepeople youturn toduring toughtimes?” “How do youtreat yourselfkindly duringtoughtimes?”“During difficulttimes, how doyou findmeaning orpurpose?”What valuablelessons haveyou learnedfromsetbacks?” “Whatselfcareroutinesdo youprioritise?”“Give me 3top tips forbuildingresilience” “Tell meaboutthe last timethat you wereresilient” “How wouldyou like to besupportedduringtoughtimes?”Howcomfortableare you withbeingvulnerable?”“Share withme yourfavouritehobby tounwind” “Share with me adecision that youmade underpressure, how didthis impact yourresilience?”“Do youhave anyfavouriteaffirmationsor mantras?“Howcomfortableare you withuncertainty?”“During difficulttimes, how doyou findmeaning orpurpose?”What changeshave youembraced willingly,and how did theyimpact yourresilience?” Tell me abouta time youfaced a fearand emergedstronger”What are somecareers whereresilience isreallyessential?” “What are yourvalues and howdo they guideyourresilience?”“What do youconsider tobea comfortzone?” “Tell me aboutatime where youturned achallenge intoan opportunity?“What aresome commoncharacteristicsof resilientpeople?”How do youcelebrateprogress, nomatter howsmall?”Recommendme yourfavouritecomfort film orTV show”“What aresome waysthatyou show youare resilient?”“Who are thepeople youturn toduring toughtimes?” “How do youtreat yourselfkindly duringtoughtimes?”“During difficulttimes, how doyou findmeaning orpurpose?”What valuablelessons haveyou learnedfromsetbacks?” “Whatselfcareroutinesdo youprioritise?”“Give me 3top tips forbuildingresilience” “Tell meaboutthe last timethat you wereresilient” “How wouldyou like to besupportedduringtoughtimes?”Howcomfortableare you withbeingvulnerable?”“Share withme yourfavouritehobby tounwind” “Share with me adecision that youmade underpressure, how didthis impact yourresilience?”“Do youhave anyfavouriteaffirmationsor mantras?“Howcomfortableare you withuncertainty?”“During difficulttimes, how doyou findmeaning orpurpose?”What changeshave youembraced willingly,and how did theyimpact yourresilience?” Tell me abouta time youfaced a fearand emergedstronger”

Resilience Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. What are some careers where resilience is really essential?”
  2. “What are your values and how do they guide your resilience?”
  3. “What do you consider to be a comfort zone?”
  4. “Tell me about a time where you turned a challenge into an opportunity?
  5. “What are some common characteristics of resilient people?”
  6. How do you celebrate progress, no matter how small?”
  7. Recommend me your favourite comfort film or TV show”
  8. “What are some ways that you show you are resilient?”
  9. “Who are the people you turn to during tough times?”
  10. “How do you treat yourself kindly during tough times?”
  11. “During difficult times, how do you find meaning or purpose?”
  12. What valuable lessons have you learned from setbacks?”
  13. “What selfcare routines do you prioritise?”
  14. “Give me 3 top tips for building resilience”
  15. “Tell me about the last time that you were resilient”
  16. “How would you like to be supported during toughtimes?”
  17. How comfortable are you with being vulnerable?”
  18. “Share with me your favourite hobby to unwind”
  19. “Share with me a decision that you made under pressure, how did this impact your resilience?”
  20. “Do you have any favourite affirmations or mantras?
  21. “How comfortable are you with uncertainty?”
  22. “During difficult times, how do you find meaning or purpose?”
  23. What changes have you embraced willingly, and how did they impact your resilience?”
  24. Tell me about a time you faced a fear and emerged stronger”