We demonstrate astrong sense ofpersonal care andhygiene; ourappearance isconsistent with theproperty styleFree We keeptelephoneconversationscalm and freeof backgroundnoisesWe maintainappropriatebodylanguage atall timesWe performour jobsknowledgeablyand proficientlyFreeWecommunicateseamlesslyacrossdepartmentsWe arethoughtful andintuitive,anticipating theguest's needsFree We closeinteractionswith a politewish andthanking theguestWe consistentlyand respectfullypersonalizeinteractions,addressing theguest by nameWe smileand areengagingWe politelyacknowledgethe guestwheneverpossibleWe aregracious anduse anappropriatepace whenspeakingWe are alertand behaveprofessionallyOur serviceis free ofexcessivedelays orinterruptionsWe speaknaturally yetprofessionally,avoiding slangand phrase-fragmentsWe offer analternativeif declininga requestWedemonstrategenuineinterest andconcern for theguestWe wearclean andwell-fitteduniformsWe do not keepguests on holdfor more than30 secondswithout offeringa call-backFreeWe quickly anddiscreetly rectifyany negativeguest issueswith words ofapology If we need toplace a gueston hold, we asktheir permissionbefore doing soWe demonstrate astrong sense ofpersonal care andhygiene; ourappearance isconsistent with theproperty styleFree We keeptelephoneconversationscalm and freeof backgroundnoisesWe maintainappropriatebodylanguage atall timesWe performour jobsknowledgeablyand proficientlyFreeWecommunicateseamlesslyacrossdepartmentsWe arethoughtful andintuitive,anticipating theguest's needsFree We closeinteractionswith a politewish andthanking theguestWe consistentlyand respectfullypersonalizeinteractions,addressing theguest by nameWe smileand areengagingWe politelyacknowledgethe guestwheneverpossibleWe aregracious anduse anappropriatepace whenspeakingWe are alertand behaveprofessionallyOur serviceis free ofexcessivedelays orinterruptionsWe speaknaturally yetprofessionally,avoiding slangand phrase-fragmentsWe offer analternativeif declininga requestWedemonstrategenuineinterest andconcern for theguestWe wearclean andwell-fitteduniformsWe do not keepguests on holdfor more than30 secondswithout offeringa call-backFreeWe quickly anddiscreetly rectifyany negativeguest issueswith words ofapology If we need toplace a gueston hold, we asktheir permissionbefore doing so

Regent Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. We demonstrate a strong sense of personal care and hygiene; our appearance is consistent with the property style
  2. Free
  3. We keep telephone conversations calm and free of background noises
  4. We maintain appropriate body language at all times
  5. We perform our jobs knowledgeably and proficiently
  6. Free
  7. We communicate seamlessly across departments
  8. We are thoughtful and intuitive, anticipating the guest's needs
  9. Free
  10. We close interactions with a polite wish and thanking the guest
  11. We consistently and respectfully personalize interactions, addressing the guest by name
  12. We smile and are engaging
  13. We politely acknowledge the guest whenever possible
  14. We are gracious and use an appropriate pace when speaking
  15. We are alert and behave professionally
  16. Our service is free of excessive delays or interruptions
  17. We speak naturally yet professionally, avoiding slang and phrase-fragments
  18. We offer an alternative if declining a request
  19. We demonstrate genuine interest and concern for the guest
  20. We wear clean and well-fitted uniforms
  21. We do not keep guests on hold for more than 30 seconds without offering a call-back
  22. Free
  23. We quickly and discreetly rectify any negative guest issues with words of apology
  24. If we need to place a guest on hold, we ask their permission before doing so