Passwordreset callthat lastsmore than15 minutesPT getsupset andgets rudeOlder couplesworkingtogether to tryand registerNot eligible fornewregistrationbecauseemail is in useDeadairPt wants toschedulewith aspecialistPt thinkstheirusername istheir emailwhen it is not"What's abrowser?"Elderly ptsays verygoodDrmessagingis turnedoffAgg IDissue forproxyPt will nottry anothermethod tolog in/regAngry testresults notavailable thesame day HSIDtransfersa nonOPP callAgentadvises Pt tofile grievancewithinsuranceTeam forgetswhose turn itis for breakPtcomplainingaboutOptumPt asksto beescalatedPartial regthat needsto bedeletedPt asksfor asupervisorLexi beinga problemchildAddproxy for2+ kidsPt spellsOptumwrongPt has noaccess toemail or phonenumber onHSIDSomeonesays "STATBOOST" inchatPt calls in tomessage dr,but they arenot using theportalPt calls back in notbeing able toregister after beingtold to waitbecause MRN wasjust generatedAddparentinto IDXPt saysthey're"not tootech savy"Pt cannotrememberpassword toApple ID orGoogle Play todownload the appSomeonesays "STATBOOST" inchatUsingSafariAddproxy for2+ kidsSomeonesays "STATBOOST" inchatHSIDtransfersa nonOPP callPt is talkingto someonein thebackground Pt thinkthey are regbut they arenotPHI auth bycaller doingthree waycall with PtPt calls in forstatus checkfor Agg IDissueInboundtransfers a ptfor an issuethat is notOPP relatedPt asksfor asupervisorMDM andIDXmismatchDeadairPt notin IDXPt is talkingto someonein thebackgroundPt is upsetby Californiaminor portalaccess law Ptapologizesto agentPasswordreset callthat lastsmore than15 minutesPT getsupset andgets rudeOlder couplesworkingtogether to tryand registerNot eligible fornewregistrationbecauseemail is in useDeadairPt wants toschedulewith aspecialistPt thinkstheirusername istheir emailwhen it is not"What's abrowser?"Elderly ptsays verygoodDrmessagingis turnedoffAgg IDissue forproxyPt will nottry anothermethod tolog in/regAngry testresults notavailable thesame day HSIDtransfersa nonOPP callAgentadvises Pt tofile grievancewithinsuranceTeam forgetswhose turn itis for breakPtcomplainingaboutOptumPt asksto beescalatedPartial regthat needsto bedeletedPt asksfor asupervisorLexi beinga problemchildAddproxy for2+ kidsPt spellsOptumwrongPt has noaccess toemail or phonenumber onHSIDSomeonesays "STATBOOST" inchatPt calls in tomessage dr,but they arenot using theportalPt calls back in notbeing able toregister after beingtold to waitbecause MRN wasjust generatedAddparentinto IDXPt saysthey're"not tootech savy"Pt cannotrememberpassword toApple ID orGoogle Play todownload the appSomeonesays "STATBOOST" inchatUsingSafariAddproxy for2+ kidsSomeonesays "STATBOOST" inchatHSIDtransfersa nonOPP callPt is talkingto someonein thebackground Pt thinkthey are regbut they arenotPHI auth bycaller doingthree waycall with PtPt calls in forstatus checkfor Agg IDissueInboundtransfers a ptfor an issuethat is notOPP relatedPt asksfor asupervisorMDM andIDXmismatchDeadairPt notin IDXPt is talkingto someonein thebackgroundPt is upsetby Californiaminor portalaccess law Ptapologizesto agent

OPP Bingo Week 3 pt 1 - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. PT gets upset and gets rude
    Password reset call that lasts more than 15 minutes
  2. Not eligible for new registration because email is in use
    Older couples working together to try and register
  3. Pt wants to schedule with a specialist
    Dead air
  4. "What's a browser?"
    Pt thinks their username is their email when it is not
  5. Dr messaging is turned off
    Elderly pt says very good
  6. Pt will not try another method to log in/reg
    Agg ID issue for proxy
  7. HSID transfers a non OPP call
    Angry test results not available the same day
  8. Team forgets whose turn it is for break
    Agent advises Pt to file grievance with insurance
  9. Pt asks to be escalated
    Pt complaining about Optum
  10. Pt asks for a supervisor
    Partial reg that needs to be deleted
  11. Add proxy for 2+ kids
    Lexi being a problem child
  12. Pt has no access to email or phone number on HSID
    Pt spells Optum wrong
  13. Pt calls in to message dr, but they are not using the portal
    Someone says "STAT BOOST" in chat
  14. Add parent into IDX
    Pt calls back in not being able to register after being told to wait because MRN was just generated
  15. Pt cannot remember password to Apple ID or Google Play to download the app
    Pt says they're "not too tech savy"
  16. Using Safari
    Someone says "STAT BOOST" in chat
  17. Someone says "STAT BOOST" in chat
    Add proxy for 2+ kids
  18. Pt is talking to someone in the background
    HSID transfers a non OPP call
  19. PHI auth by caller doing three way call with Pt
    Pt think they are reg but they are not
  20. Inbound transfers a pt for an issue that is not OPP related
    Pt calls in for status check for Agg ID issue
  21. MDM and IDX mismatch
    Pt asks for a supervisor
  22. Pt not in IDX
    Dead air
  23. Pt is upset by California minor portal access law
    Pt is talking to someone in the background
  24. Pt apologizes to agent