Nervous System: Thebody'scommunicationnetwork that includesthe brain, spinal cord,nerves, and sensoryorgans.System: A groupof organs thatwork together toperform a specificfunction or set offunctions.Skeletal System:The framework ofbones and cartilagethat supports andprotects the bodyand allows formovement.Cell Membrane(Plasma Membrane):The outer boundaryof the cell thatseparates the cell'sinternal environmentfrom the externalenvironment.Mitochondria:Organellesresponsible forproducing energy(ATP) throughcellular respiration.Anatomy: Thestudy of thestructure andshape of thebody and itsparts.Nucleus: Thecontrol center ofthe cell thatcontains geneticmaterial (DNA)and directs cellularactivities.Tissue: A groupof similar cellsworking togetherto perform aspecific function.Organ: A structurecomposed of twoor more tissuesthat work togetherto carry out aparticular function.Nucleus: Thecontrol center ofthe cell thatcontains geneticmaterial (DNA)and directs cellularactivities.Homeostasis: Theability of the body tomaintain internalstability and a relativelyconstant internalenvironment despitechanges in the externalenvironment.Cell: The basicstructural andfunctional unitof all livingorganisms.Cell Membrane(Plasma Membrane):The outer boundaryof the cell thatseparates the cell'sinternal environmentfrom the externalenvironment.Integumentary System:The skin and itsaccessory structures(hair, nails, glands) thatprotect the body fromthe externalenvironment andregulate temperature.Digestive System:Organs andstructures involvedin the ingestion,digestion, andabsorption of foodand nutrients.Endocrine System:Glands and organsthat producehormones to regulatebodily functions suchas metabolism,growth, andreproduction.Respiratory System:Organs andstructures involved inthe exchange ofgases (oxygen andcarbon dioxide)between the bodyand the environment.Anatomy: Thestudy of thestructure andshape of thebody and itsparts.Immune System:The body's defensesystem againstpathogens (e.g.,bacteria, viruses)and foreignsubstances.CardiovascularSystem: The system ofthe heart and bloodvessels that circulatesblood and transportsnutrients, oxygen,carbon dioxide,hormones, and wastesthroughout the body.Immune System:The body's defensesystem againstpathogens (e.g.,bacteria, viruses)and foreignsubstances.Digestive System:Organs andstructures involvedin the ingestion,digestion, andabsorption of foodand nutrients.Mitochondria:Organellesresponsible forproducing energy(ATP) throughcellular respiration.Respiratory System:Organs andstructures involved inthe exchange ofgases (oxygen andcarbon dioxide)between the bodyand the environment.System: A groupof organs thatwork together toperform a specificfunction or set offunctions.Homeostasis: Theability of the body tomaintain internalstability and a relativelyconstant internalenvironment despitechanges in the externalenvironment.Muscular System:Tissues andorgans composedof muscles thatallow formovement andmaintain posture.Muscular System:Tissues andorgans composedof muscles thatallow formovement andmaintain posture.CardiovascularSystem: The system ofthe heart and bloodvessels that circulatesblood and transportsnutrients, oxygen,carbon dioxide,hormones, and wastesthroughout the body.Endocrine System:Glands and organsthat producehormones to regulatebodily functions suchas metabolism,growth, andreproduction.Urinary System:Organs and structuresinvolved in theproduction, storage,and elimination of urineand maintenance ofwater and electrolytebalance.Tissue: A groupof similar cellsworking togetherto perform aspecific function.Nervous System: Thebody'scommunicationnetwork that includesthe brain, spinal cord,nerves, and sensoryorgans.Cell: The basicstructural andfunctional unitof all livingorganisms.Integumentary System:The skin and itsaccessory structures(hair, nails, glands) thatprotect the body fromthe externalenvironment andregulate temperature.Organ: A structurecomposed of twoor more tissuesthat work togetherto carry out aparticular function.Physiology: Thestudy of howthe body and itsparts work orfunction.Skeletal System:The framework ofbones and cartilagethat supports andprotects the bodyand allows formovement.Physiology: Thestudy of howthe body and itsparts work orfunction.Nervous System: Thebody'scommunicationnetwork that includesthe brain, spinal cord,nerves, and sensoryorgans.System: A groupof organs thatwork together toperform a specificfunction or set offunctions.Skeletal System:The framework ofbones and cartilagethat supports andprotects the bodyand allows formovement.Cell Membrane(Plasma Membrane):The outer boundaryof the cell thatseparates the cell'sinternal environmentfrom the externalenvironment.Mitochondria:Organellesresponsible forproducing energy(ATP) throughcellular respiration.Anatomy: Thestudy of thestructure andshape of thebody and itsparts.Nucleus: Thecontrol center ofthe cell thatcontains geneticmaterial (DNA)and directs cellularactivities.Tissue: A groupof similar cellsworking togetherto perform aspecific function.Organ: A structurecomposed of twoor more tissuesthat work togetherto carry out aparticular function.Nucleus: Thecontrol center ofthe cell thatcontains geneticmaterial (DNA)and directs cellularactivities.Homeostasis: Theability of the body tomaintain internalstability and a relativelyconstant internalenvironment despitechanges in the externalenvironment.Cell: The basicstructural andfunctional unitof all livingorganisms.Cell Membrane(Plasma Membrane):The outer boundaryof the cell thatseparates the cell'sinternal environmentfrom the externalenvironment.Integumentary System:The skin and itsaccessory structures(hair, nails, glands) thatprotect the body fromthe externalenvironment andregulate temperature.Digestive System:Organs andstructures involvedin the ingestion,digestion, andabsorption of foodand nutrients.Endocrine System:Glands and organsthat producehormones to regulatebodily functions suchas metabolism,growth, andreproduction.Respiratory System:Organs andstructures involved inthe exchange ofgases (oxygen andcarbon dioxide)between the bodyand the environment.Anatomy: Thestudy of thestructure andshape of thebody and itsparts.Immune System:The body's defensesystem againstpathogens (e.g.,bacteria, viruses)and foreignsubstances.CardiovascularSystem: The system ofthe heart and bloodvessels that circulatesblood and transportsnutrients, oxygen,carbon dioxide,hormones, and wastesthroughout the body.Immune System:The body's defensesystem againstpathogens (e.g.,bacteria, viruses)and foreignsubstances.Digestive System:Organs andstructures involvedin the ingestion,digestion, andabsorption of foodand nutrients.Mitochondria:Organellesresponsible forproducing energy(ATP) throughcellular respiration.Respiratory System:Organs andstructures involved inthe exchange ofgases (oxygen andcarbon dioxide)between the bodyand the environment.System: A groupof organs thatwork together toperform a specificfunction or set offunctions.Homeostasis: Theability of the body tomaintain internalstability and a relativelyconstant internalenvironment despitechanges in the externalenvironment.Muscular System:Tissues andorgans composedof muscles thatallow formovement andmaintain posture.Muscular System:Tissues andorgans composedof muscles thatallow formovement andmaintain posture.CardiovascularSystem: The system ofthe heart and bloodvessels that circulatesblood and transportsnutrients, oxygen,carbon dioxide,hormones, and wastesthroughout the body.Endocrine System:Glands and organsthat producehormones to regulatebodily functions suchas metabolism,growth, andreproduction.Urinary System:Organs and structuresinvolved in theproduction, storage,and elimination of urineand maintenance ofwater and electrolytebalance.Tissue: A groupof similar cellsworking togetherto perform aspecific function.Nervous System: Thebody'scommunicationnetwork that includesthe brain, spinal cord,nerves, and sensoryorgans.Cell: The basicstructural andfunctional unitof all livingorganisms.Integumentary System:The skin and itsaccessory structures(hair, nails, glands) thatprotect the body fromthe externalenvironment andregulate temperature.Organ: A structurecomposed of twoor more tissuesthat work togetherto carry out aparticular function.Physiology: Thestudy of howthe body and itsparts work orfunction.Skeletal System:The framework ofbones and cartilagethat supports andprotects the bodyand allows formovement.Physiology: Thestudy of howthe body and itsparts work orfunction.

Anatomy & Physiology Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Nervous System: The body's communication network that includes the brain, spinal cord, nerves, and sensory organs.
  2. System: A group of organs that work together to perform a specific function or set of functions.
  3. Skeletal System: The framework of bones and cartilage that supports and protects the body and allows for movement.
  4. Cell Membrane (Plasma Membrane): The outer boundary of the cell that separates the cell's internal environment from the external environment.
  5. Mitochondria: Organelles responsible for producing energy (ATP) through cellular respiration.
  6. Anatomy: The study of the structure and shape of the body and its parts.
  7. Nucleus: The control center of the cell that contains genetic material (DNA) and directs cellular activities.
  8. Tissue: A group of similar cells working together to perform a specific function.
  9. Organ: A structure composed of two or more tissues that work together to carry out a particular function.
  10. Nucleus: The control center of the cell that contains genetic material (DNA) and directs cellular activities.
  11. Homeostasis: The ability of the body to maintain internal stability and a relatively constant internal environment despite changes in the external environment.
  12. Cell: The basic structural and functional unit of all living organisms.
  13. Cell Membrane (Plasma Membrane): The outer boundary of the cell that separates the cell's internal environment from the external environment.
  14. Integumentary System: The skin and its accessory structures (hair, nails, glands) that protect the body from the external environment and regulate temperature.
  15. Digestive System: Organs and structures involved in the ingestion, digestion, and absorption of food and nutrients.
  16. Endocrine System: Glands and organs that produce hormones to regulate bodily functions such as metabolism, growth, and reproduction.
  17. Respiratory System: Organs and structures involved in the exchange of gases (oxygen and carbon dioxide) between the body and the environment.
  18. Anatomy: The study of the structure and shape of the body and its parts.
  19. Immune System: The body's defense system against pathogens (e.g., bacteria, viruses) and foreign substances.
  20. Cardiovascular System: The system of the heart and blood vessels that circulates blood and transports nutrients, oxygen, carbon dioxide, hormones, and wastes throughout the body.
  21. Immune System: The body's defense system against pathogens (e.g., bacteria, viruses) and foreign substances.
  22. Digestive System: Organs and structures involved in the ingestion, digestion, and absorption of food and nutrients.
  23. Mitochondria: Organelles responsible for producing energy (ATP) through cellular respiration.
  24. Respiratory System: Organs and structures involved in the exchange of gases (oxygen and carbon dioxide) between the body and the environment.
  25. System: A group of organs that work together to perform a specific function or set of functions.
  26. Homeostasis: The ability of the body to maintain internal stability and a relatively constant internal environment despite changes in the external environment.
  27. Muscular System: Tissues and organs composed of muscles that allow for movement and maintain posture.
  28. Muscular System: Tissues and organs composed of muscles that allow for movement and maintain posture.
  29. Cardiovascular System: The system of the heart and blood vessels that circulates blood and transports nutrients, oxygen, carbon dioxide, hormones, and wastes throughout the body.
  30. Endocrine System: Glands and organs that produce hormones to regulate bodily functions such as metabolism, growth, and reproduction.
  31. Urinary System: Organs and structures involved in the production, storage, and elimination of urine and maintenance of water and electrolyte balance.
  32. Tissue: A group of similar cells working together to perform a specific function.
  33. Nervous System: The body's communication network that includes the brain, spinal cord, nerves, and sensory organs.
  34. Cell: The basic structural and functional unit of all living organisms.
  35. Integumentary System: The skin and its accessory structures (hair, nails, glands) that protect the body from the external environment and regulate temperature.
  36. Organ: A structure composed of two or more tissues that work together to carry out a particular function.
  37. Physiology: The study of how the body and its parts work or function.
  38. Skeletal System: The framework of bones and cartilage that supports and protects the body and allows for movement.
  39. Physiology: The study of how the body and its parts work or function.