“I’ve feltoverwhelmed bymy ownexpectations andbeliefs about howrecovery shouldprogress.”“I’ve experienceda situation wheremy perception of aperson’s intentionsled to amisunderstandingor conflict.”I’ve receivedpositive feedbackfrom someoneand questionedits validity.  “I’ve noticed that myperception of howothers view myrecovery journeycan sometimes leadme to comparemyself to them.”I’ve felt like animposter in asituation andworked toovercome it.  “I’ve used feedbackfrom others tochallenge andadjust a perceptionI had about myselfor my recoveryjourney.”“I havechallenged anegativeperception ofmyself.” I’ve assumedsomeone wasupset with mewithoutasking.”I’ve noticed howmy self-perception affectsmy decision-making.  I’ve reflected onhow pastexperiencesshape my currentself-view.  “I’ve madeassumptionsabout whatothers thinkof me.”I have feltmisunderstoodby someoneclose to me.”I’ve usedmindfulness toobserve andchallenge myautomaticperceptions.I’ve recognizedand addresseda negative self-talk pattern.  “I’ve realized thatmy perception ofsuccess or failurein recovery canimpact mysubstance usetriggers.”I’ve practicedself-compassion ina challengingsituation.  I’ve practicedpositiveaffirmations toimprove myself-image.“I celebratemy ability tostaycommitted tomy goals.”I’ve noticedhow my moodaffects my self-perception.  I’ve set apersonal goaland doubtedmy ability toachieve it.  I’ve comparedmyself to othersand realized itaffects my self-esteem.  “I’ve experiencedamisunderstandingdue to my ownperceptions.” “I havecorrected afalse perceptionI had about asituation.”I’ve identifiedan area of self-growth that Iwant to workon.  “I’ve feltoverwhelmed bymy ownexpectations andbeliefs about howrecovery shouldprogress.”“I’ve experienceda situation wheremy perception of aperson’s intentionsled to amisunderstandingor conflict.”I’ve receivedpositive feedbackfrom someoneand questionedits validity.  “I’ve noticed that myperception of howothers view myrecovery journeycan sometimes leadme to comparemyself to them.”I’ve felt like animposter in asituation andworked toovercome it.  “I’ve used feedbackfrom others tochallenge andadjust a perceptionI had about myselfor my recoveryjourney.”“I havechallenged anegativeperception ofmyself.” I’ve assumedsomeone wasupset with mewithoutasking.”I’ve noticed howmy self-perception affectsmy decision-making.  I’ve reflected onhow pastexperiencesshape my currentself-view.  “I’ve madeassumptionsabout whatothers thinkof me.”I have feltmisunderstoodby someoneclose to me.”I’ve usedmindfulness toobserve andchallenge myautomaticperceptions.I’ve recognizedand addresseda negative self-talk pattern.  “I’ve realized thatmy perception ofsuccess or failurein recovery canimpact mysubstance usetriggers.”I’ve practicedself-compassion ina challengingsituation.  I’ve practicedpositiveaffirmations toimprove myself-image.“I celebratemy ability tostaycommitted tomy goals.”I’ve noticedhow my moodaffects my self-perception.  I’ve set apersonal goaland doubtedmy ability toachieve it.  I’ve comparedmyself to othersand realized itaffects my self-esteem.  “I’ve experiencedamisunderstandingdue to my ownperceptions.” “I havecorrected afalse perceptionI had about asituation.”I’ve identifiedan area of self-growth that Iwant to workon.  

Self Perception - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. “I’ve felt overwhelmed by my own expectations and beliefs about how recovery should progress.”
  2. “I’ve experienced a situation where my perception of a person’s intentions led to a misunderstanding or conflict.”
  3. I’ve received positive feedback from someone and questioned its validity.
  4. “I’ve noticed that my perception of how others view my recovery journey can sometimes lead me to compare myself to them.”
  5. I’ve felt like an imposter in a situation and worked to overcome it.
  6. “I’ve used feedback from others to challenge and adjust a perception I had about myself or my recovery journey.”
  7. “I have challenged a negative perception of myself.”
  8. I’ve assumed someone was upset with me without asking.”
  9. I’ve noticed how my self-perception affects my decision-making.
  10. I’ve reflected on how past experiences shape my current self-view.
  11. “I’ve made assumptions about what others think of me.”
  12. I have felt misunderstood by someone close to me.”
  13. I’ve used mindfulness to observe and challenge my automatic perceptions.
  14. I’ve recognized and addressed a negative self-talk pattern.
  15. “I’ve realized that my perception of success or failure in recovery can impact my substance use triggers.”
  16. I’ve practiced self-compassion in a challenging situation.
  17. I’ve practiced positive affirmations to improve my self-image.
  18. “I celebrate my ability to stay committed to my goals.”
  19. I’ve noticed how my mood affects my self-perception.
  20. I’ve set a personal goal and doubted my ability to achieve it.
  21. I’ve compared myself to others and realized it affects my self-esteem.
  22. “I’ve experienced a misunderstanding due to my own perceptions.”
  23. “I have corrected a false perception I had about a situation.”
  24. I’ve identified an area of self-growth that I want to work on.