Has helpedmediate aconflictbetween teammembers in agroup settingBelieves thatethicalcommunicationcan preventmost conflictsHasvolunteered fora cause theyare passionateaboutKnows thecore values oftheorganizationthey last joinedHas servedas the leaderof a schoolor collegeclubHas observedunethicalbehavior in anorganizationand reported itHas been partof a group thatfaced acommunicationbreakdownHas had toapologize fora mistake ina groupsettingHas been partof a teamwhereeveryone hadto keep asecretHas had amentor whotaught themabout ethicalcommunicationHas participatedin a debate ordiscussion aboutethical behaviorin anorganizationHas been partof anorganizationthat strictlyfollows a codeof ethicsHas experienced amiscommunicationin an organizationthat led to a funnysituationOnce had tomake adifficult ethicaldecision in ateam projectBelieves thathonesty is themost importantquality inorganizationalcommunicationHas given aspeech orpresentationon ethicalissuesHas been in asituation wherethey had to standup for what’sright, even if itwas difficultHasexperiencedpressure to actunethically butchose not toHas seenfavoritism in anorganizationand feltuncomfortableabout itHas been partof anorganizationwith unclear orambiguouscommunicationHas beenrecognized orawarded forethical behaviorin anorganizationHas been partof anorganizationwhere ethicswere oftendiscussedHas taken partin a campaignto raiseawarenessabout ethicalpracticesBelieves thattransparencyis key inorganizationalcommunicationHas taken partin creating a setof rules orguidelines for agroup ororganizationHas helpedmediate aconflictbetween teammembers in agroup settingBelieves thatethicalcommunicationcan preventmost conflictsHasvolunteered fora cause theyare passionateaboutKnows thecore values oftheorganizationthey last joinedHas servedas the leaderof a schoolor collegeclubHas observedunethicalbehavior in anorganizationand reported itHas been partof a group thatfaced acommunicationbreakdownHas had toapologize fora mistake ina groupsettingHas been partof a teamwhereeveryone hadto keep asecretHas had amentor whotaught themabout ethicalcommunicationHas participatedin a debate ordiscussion aboutethical behaviorin anorganizationHas been partof anorganizationthat strictlyfollows a codeof ethicsHas experienced amiscommunicationin an organizationthat led to a funnysituationOnce had tomake adifficult ethicaldecision in ateam projectBelieves thathonesty is themost importantquality inorganizationalcommunicationHas given aspeech orpresentationon ethicalissuesHas been in asituation wherethey had to standup for what’sright, even if itwas difficultHasexperiencedpressure to actunethically butchose not toHas seenfavoritism in anorganizationand feltuncomfortableabout itHas been partof anorganizationwith unclear orambiguouscommunicationHas beenrecognized orawarded forethical behaviorin anorganizationHas been partof anorganizationwhere ethicswere oftendiscussedHas taken partin a campaignto raiseawarenessabout ethicalpracticesBelieves thattransparencyis key inorganizationalcommunicationHas taken partin creating a setof rules orguidelines for agroup ororganization

Ethics in Organizational Communication - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Has helped mediate a conflict between team members in a group setting
  2. Believes that ethical communication can prevent most conflicts
  3. Has volunteered for a cause they are passionate about
  4. Knows the core values of the organization they last joined
  5. Has served as the leader of a school or college club
  6. Has observed unethical behavior in an organization and reported it
  7. Has been part of a group that faced a communication breakdown
  8. Has had to apologize for a mistake in a group setting
  9. Has been part of a team where everyone had to keep a secret
  10. Has had a mentor who taught them about ethical communication
  11. Has participated in a debate or discussion about ethical behavior in an organization
  12. Has been part of an organization that strictly follows a code of ethics
  13. Has experienced a miscommunication in an organization that led to a funny situation
  14. Once had to make a difficult ethical decision in a team project
  15. Believes that honesty is the most important quality in organizational communication
  16. Has given a speech or presentation on ethical issues
  17. Has been in a situation where they had to stand up for what’s right, even if it was difficult
  18. Has experienced pressure to act unethically but chose not to
  19. Has seen favoritism in an organization and felt uncomfortable about it
  20. Has been part of an organization with unclear or ambiguous communication
  21. Has been recognized or awarded for ethical behavior in an organization
  22. Has been part of an organization where ethics were often discussed
  23. Has taken part in a campaign to raise awareness about ethical practices
  24. Believes that transparency is key in organizational communication
  25. Has taken part in creating a set of rules or guidelines for a group or organization