Handling Interruptions Step 5 of the Relationship Selling Cycle Call Objectives Demonstrations, Testimonials, Facts & Statistics, Samples, Case Histories The Tie- Down Sales Interview Settings The Bottom Line Transitional Phrases Presentation Sales Tools Audiovisual Presentations Creating a Social Media Backchannel Units of Conviction Elements Demonstration Principles Elements of a Great Demonstration Three Truths in Selling Effective Presentation Tactics The Presentation Sales Call Planning Information Get, Ask, Encourage Sales Call Planning Sales Presentation Styles Presenting Value Participation Offer, Wait, Restate, Invite, & Ensure Situational Selling Units of Conviction Evidence to Support Claims Begin with Planning Features and Benefits Purposes of the Presentation Feature, Transition, Benefit, Evidence, Tie-down Product- Analysis Worksheet Handling Interruptions Step 5 of the Relationship Selling Cycle Call Objectives Demonstrations, Testimonials, Facts & Statistics, Samples, Case Histories The Tie- Down Sales Interview Settings The Bottom Line Transitional Phrases Presentation Sales Tools Audiovisual Presentations Creating a Social Media Backchannel Units of Conviction Elements Demonstration Principles Elements of a Great Demonstration Three Truths in Selling Effective Presentation Tactics The Presentation Sales Call Planning Information Get, Ask, Encourage Sales Call Planning Sales Presentation Styles Presenting Value Participation Offer, Wait, Restate, Invite, & Ensure Situational Selling Units of Conviction Evidence to Support Claims Begin with Planning Features and Benefits Purposes of the Presentation Feature, Transition, Benefit, Evidence, Tie-down Product- Analysis Worksheet
(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.
I-Handling Interruptions
I-Step 5 of the Relationship Selling Cycle
N-Call Objectives
G-Demonstrations, Testimonials, Facts & Statistics, Samples, Case Histories
O-The Tie-Down
B-Sales Interview Settings
B-The Bottom Line
I-Transitional Phrases
N-Presentation Sales Tools
G-Audiovisual Presentations
I-Creating a Social Media Backchannel
G-Units of Conviction Elements
B-Demonstration Principles
O-Elements of a Great Demonstration
O-Three Truths in Selling
I-Effective Presentation Tactics
B-The Presentation
O-Sales Call Planning Information
G-Get, Ask, Encourage
G-Sales Call Planning
B-Sales Presentation Styles
N-Presenting Value
N-Offer, Wait, Restate, Invite, & Ensure
O-Situational Selling
I-Units of Conviction
N-Evidence to Support Claims
I-Begin with Planning
B-Features and Benefits
G-Purposes of the Presentation
O-Feature, Transition, Benefit, Evidence, Tie-down
B-Product-Analysis Worksheet