This bingo card has 16 words: Familiar language is used almost exclusively., Learners are given ample opportunity to talk amongst themselves and to the teacher (not just answer), The teachers interacts with learners at their height., The teacher stimulates thinking through open questions, The teacher uses appropriate intonation and gestures., The teacher facilitates opportunities for learners to manipulate materials for learning through play., Learners have the opportunity to explore actively with a variety of (low cost) materials, The materials should provide the opportunity to stimulate various senses and discover through experiencing., Free!, Learners have the opportunity to be creative, FREE, Learners have the opportunity to solve “problems”, Visuals are used to support classroom organisation, management and instruction., The teacher is sensitive to the involvement of the learners., Learners’ contributions are taken into consideration and may influence the lesson and There are no signs of stereotyping or prejudice (gender, ability, equity).
Learning Styles Bingo | Mrs. Brown's Music Class-College Observation | Content Based Characteristics | Studio Arts Yr 11 Bingo | Instructional Strategy Bingo
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Learn how to conduct a bingo game.
With players vying for a you'll have to call about 5 items before someone wins. There's a 12.67% chance that a lucky player would win after calling 4 items. Typically, 1 to 2 players will win at the same time.
Tip: If you want your game to last longer (on average), add more unique words/images to it.