This bingo card has a free space and 27 words: Benefits Realization ensures that: • investment decisions prioritize the delivery of measurable benefits • outcomes and performance measures are established early • progress is regularly reported on to key decision makers and stakeholders • program, Benefits Realization • clearly describe the intended benefits and beneficiaries of all technology investments prior to expending resources beyond what is required to develop a business case • outline when benefits will be achieved and their expected, Treasury Board/Management Board of Cabinet • approve new investments in technology, in accordance with relevant policies, to enable modern service delivery, including enterprise/common/shared services if not already established, Architecture Review Board • approve the architecture and design of technology solutions and products subject to corporate governance and ensure alignment with this directive, applicable policies, and the Enterprise Technology Roadmap, Digital Service: A government service delivered by means of the internet or other technology., Stakeholder Accountability and Transparency Stakeholder accountability and transparency ensures that stakeholders' needs are reflected in IT planning and investments and that technology investment decisions are made in a clear and open manner by ac, Resource Optimization: proactively manage IT assets throughout their lifecycle and avoid reliance on aging or obsolete technology by updating or replacing when necessary, Corporate Chief Information Officer (CCIO): • work with ministry executives to develop the Enterprise Technology Roadmap and realize the benefits of strategically managed technology, products, and services, Cluster Chief Information Officers: build or procure and maintain technology and infrastructure solutions to support digital transformation, service delivery, and desired business outcomes in accordance with principles in this directive, Enterprise Architecture (EA): The well-defined practice for conducting enterprise analysis, design, planning, and implementation, governed by best practices, standards, and principles. It provides a technology blueprint with descriptive representa, Benefits Realization Benefits Realization is a programmatic approach to forecasting, monitoring and measuring, and reporting on the achievement of benefits that result from technologyfocused investments, Resource Optimization: ensure that the use of resources and associated costing are transparent to relevant decision-makers and stakeholders, Cluster Chief Information Officers: identify opportunities for development of new re-usable or enterprise technology • re-use existing technologies and use enterprise/common/shared technology services whenever possible, Open Format: A set of specifications used to store and transmit digital data that is platform independent, machine-readable and vendor-neutral., Risk Optimization: Risk optimization aims to ensure that the business risks associated with IT are proactively identified, successfully managed and reported on, while preserving the value of those investments in a manner that is aligned with the OP, Risk Optimization: identify threats and risks, assess their potential impact, severity and likelihood and document them as part of security testing and evaluation • regularly identify, implement, and test security controls to mitigate vulnerabilit, Treasury Board/Management Board of Cabinet: approve the Enterprise Technology Roadmap • approve funding methodology for enterprise/common/shared technology services, Cluster Chief Information Officers: contribute to the development and review of the Enterprise Technology Roadmap, Enterprise Technology Roadmap: A technical blueprint that identifies short- and longterm IT enablers, tools and solutions that will guide and support the government’s strategic transformational agenda., Resource Optimization: Resource optimization means taking an evidence-based approach to ensure maximum value from all investments in technology, including IT-related staff, processes and tools/equipment., Benefits Realization: continuously measure the realization and sustainment of benefits over the forecasted timeframe • monitor and report on the realization and sustainment of benefits, Corporate Chief Information Officer (CCIO): provide strategic leadership, advice, and direction on technology related matters, and take an enterprise portfolio approach to managing IT operations in the OPS, Cluster Chief Information Officers: • champion technology enabled transformation in ministry planning and investment activity, Information Technology (IT): The equipment, software, services, processes and resources used to create, store, process, communicate and manage information., Resource Optimization: ensure maximum value in technology investments by: o re-using existing technology products and solutions whenever feasible o strategically identifying, acquiring and managing enterprise, common, or shared IT solutions, and, Deputy Ministers’ Committee on Technology and Transformation (DMCTT): -endorse the Enterprise Technology Roadmap and ensure alignment between ministry mandates, technology, and government priorities - endorse funding methodology for enterprise/common and Management: Applying common management principles (planning, directing, controlling, evaluating) to digital services, technology and information assets in alignment with the direction set by governance bodies, to achieve organizational objectives..
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With players vying for a you'll have to call about __ items before someone wins. There's a __% chance that a lucky player would win after calling __ items.
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