Self-Improvement Strategies Bingo

Self-Improvement Strategies Bingo Card

This bingo card has a free space and 24 words: I set goals on what I want to achieve, My first self-improvement tasks are small and reachable, I master my existing skills, I have a growth mindset, I learn from my failures, I measure and celebrate my achievements, I am actively looking for ways to self-improve, I am aware of my shame or unsatisfied feelings while engaging in self-improvement, I am constantly looking for things to be grateful for, I am trying to beat overthinking, I am overcoming or overcame my feelings of doubt, I take care of my physical, and mental health everyday, I have a journal, I'm working on building more meaningful and healthier relationships, I know what is my learning style, I am learning healthy ways to regulate emotions, I'm becoming more empathetic, I wake up early to start my day right, I believe in myself, I'm replacing bad habits, I take a break when I'm overwhelm, I have a list of things I'm grateful for, I'm kind and generous to others and myself and I'm looking for ways to be happy.

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