This bingo card has 25 words: I overshare to much to people, My confidence is gone, I overthink to the point where I’m convinced nobody actually likes me, i always think that you ‘could’ve done a better job’, i don’t give myself credit when it’s due, I’m to quiet and then I’m too loud, I can’t talk to ____ without making it awkward, i have a lot of self doubt because “she’” will always be better than me., i’m think a control freak, if i want something done right i have to do it myself, i’m a micromanager, i feel frustrated and disappointed in everything less than flawless, free., I can’t say no., someone can always give a better story and one-up me, i feel like my work must be 100% perfect, 100% of the time, success is never good enough, everything could’ve done even better, im productive randomly, I hate her but I can’t hate her because then people judge me for hating her and I can’t have people judge me because then I’m not the perfect girl everyone thinks I am but then why should I care what people think of me... because I have to care o, I care to much abt what people think of me, I cry too easily over “nothing”, i can’t act without being 1000% prepared, i plan everything and i’m always waiting for the perfect time to do something.
impostor syndrome: the perfectionist | Happiness Bingo | body dysmorphia: being too thin | impostor syndrome: the natural genius | impostor syndrome: the natural genius
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