This bingo card has a free space and 24 words: Checked emails multiple times without new notifications, Felt lonely while scrolling through social media, Avoided a call and texted back instead, Closed an app and reopened it immediately, Skipped reading an article because it looked too long, Felt overwhelmed by too many notifications, Binge-watched a new show when you couldn't think of anything else to do, Took a break from social media and felt more relaxed, Felt anxious about missing out from what others posted about online, Deleted a social media post because it wasn't getting the attention you expected, Spent hours watching random videos, Felt like having no one to talk to despite being in a large group chat/online chat group, Compared your life to others on social media and felt inadequate, Felt the need to constantly check your phone, Felt anxious when your phone wasn't on you or close by, Ignored a call or message because you didn't know how to respond or didn't feel like responding, Felt the urge to share everything online, Avoided real-life interactions to spend time online, Felt bored even with endless online content, Felt a drop in mood after reading negative comments online, Spent more than 5 hours on a device without taking a break, Felt disconnected from reality after a long session online, Avoided news or articles because they were too long or not engaging and Felt more connected to virtual friends than real ones.
Social Dilemma BINGO | BFDC | Social Media Bingo | Human Bingo | Media Literacy / Social Media
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