This bingo card has a free space and 24 words: Spend quality time with family, Eat beef jerky as mid-morning snack, Purchase a PL Supplement from SPT, Eat a balanced, planned lunch...and send a pic!, Attend 1 Custom Training Session, Book an Accountability Meeting with Dayna, Attend 1 Team Workout, Take a long walk...and send a pic!, Compliment yourself! You are a ROCKSTAR!, Drink 8 cups of water, Boil eggs to eat as mid-afternoon snack, Get 8 hours of sleep, Attend 1 Team Workout, Take a selfie with your coach and post it on Facebook! Tag us!, Eat a balanced, planned breakfast...and send a pic!, Invite a friend to SPT!! *Mark off an extra spot of your choice IF they attend a Strategy Session!!!*, Eat a balanced, planned dinner...and send a pic!, Prepare a recipe from the Nutrition Book...and send a pic!, Meal Prep lunches for the week, Drink a protein shake as a mid-morning snack, Take your Prestige Labs Supplements, Go to bed 30 minutes early, Ride a bicycle...take pic and send it in! and Attend 1 Custom Training Session.
⚠ This card has duplicate items: Attend 1 Custom Training Session (2), Attend 1 Team Workout (2)
Halloween Bingo | OHM Fitness | 5 DAY FITNESS BINGO! | Club Pooche | OXYGEN OAKVILLE JC
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