This bingo card has a free space and 24 words: 1 Give an example of negative self talk, 6 What is All or Nothing thinking, 11 What are my physical needs, 15 I act to independent when I?, 21 Give an example of a negative thought, feeling and action., 2 Give an example of positive self talk, 7 One behavior I need to change is:, 12 What are my safety and security needs, 16 I am too dependent on ____ for ____, 22 Give an example of a positive thought feeling and action, 3 When did I jump to conclusions, 8 I give myself credit for:, 17 How do I clear the air with someone?, 23 I minimized a problem when__?, 4 What is constructive criticism, 9 A complement to myself is:, 13 How do I meet my love and belonging needs?, 18 What are 2 ground rules for fair fighting?, 24 I magnified a problem when__?, 5 What is destructive criticism, 10 Compliment someone else in the room, 14 Rate my self-esteem (0-10). How can I raise it?, 20 Why is it important to listen to the other person's side? and 25 Name one feeling underlying my anger_.
Recognizing Healthy and Unhealthy Coping | Coping | Conflict Resolution Bingo | COPING BINGO | Challenging Negative Thoughts
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With players vying for a you'll have to call about __ items before someone wins. There's a __% chance that a lucky player would win after calling __ items.
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